She swatted his hands away and rolled her eyes. "No." Alex nodded and sighed. "You are."

"What?!" His eyes widened. "No way! I haven't talked to him for a week, how am I supposed to come here all chill and try to conversate?"

The brunette girl talked under her breath. "Men are stupid."

"I can hear you." Alex scolded.

"Good then, now let's go!"

Then Peggy practically dragged them in, they had to stop at some kind of reception where there was a man at the front desk.

"Good evening, how can I help you?" He said. "Jordan" in his name tag.

Peggy nudged Alex.

"Ow! — I-I mean, hi!" He chuckled nervously. The guy lifted an eyebrow. "W-we wanted to know where the advanced painting class was...?"

Jordan, still a little confused nodded. "Of course, third floor turn left on the first hall second door on your right." He said, a slight smile on his face.

"Than you very much, bye!" Peggy said and once again, dragged them to the elevator this time.

Once in, Alex sighed, loud and heavy.

"What is it? Are you nervous?" She asked.

He shook his head and brushed his hair back with his hand. "It's just...Now I'm realizing I just got cheated on!" He scoffed. "It's ridiculous."

"You do know that it's not the first time it happens right?" Peggy chuckled.


"Nothing! We're here!"

The doors of the elevator opened. They got out and walked. Turned left on the Hall, second door on their right.

The door had a small glass in one corner so they could see what was happening inside. Alex peeked through it and his heart almost stopped when he saw a very familiar blonde hair scrub.

"I can't do it." He turned to Peggy.

The girl facepalmed. "Do it, or I'll do it." She warned.

No. He couldn't let that happen. For the sake of all of them.

"Okay." He mumbled.

Lifted his arm and knocked.

"Come in!" They yelled from the inside.

Most of the students turned around, John didn't, he was too focused on his painting.

Alex opened the door and bit his lip. The teacher looked at him curiously, so did every student that was looking.

"C-can John Laurens get out for a sec-second?" He asked.

Now John turned around, shocked look in his face. He almost dropped the palette that was in his hands.

"Shit!" He mumbled, maneuvering to pick it up in the air.

Some people chuckled quietly, including Peggy behind Alex. This last, was blushing uncontrollably.

"Mister Laurens, you have two minutes." The teacher said, lifting an eyebrow.

"Yes! Uh, yes." He nodded quickly and got up, removed his apron and walked towards the door.

He could feel the stares of everybody.

Once out, he and Alex stood face to face.

"Hi..." John mumbled, scratching the back of his neck.

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