Chapter 33

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"Yoohoo, who's gonna be out of the Void in a few days?" a voice called out from the sky. End dropped down in the middle of the regrouping army and heroes. The stunned group stopped moving until End raised a fist and they were all blasted away. The Alpha Team were the first to recover, charging End in the blink of an eye. Angel reached him first, attacking him with dual blades out. 

As fast as she was, End was faster. He blocked and parried every strike, and she had to struggle to counter him. There was a small window of time where End was open to an attack from the side, and Carrion took it, transforming into a wolf in that split-second and biting into End before he could recover. End staggered, and Umbra and Bloom took this as their cue to move. Vines and roots and other plants started growing around End, faster than even how the satyrs did it with Hyperion. While these plants were encasing End, Umbra sent off curse after curse and jinx after jinx at him, with some of the weaker ones bouncing off, but the others, like the Cruciato, hitting their mark and making End howl in pain. The vines completely covered him and Diva made her move. 

She raised a hand to the sky and yelled "Shaddai el kai!" and a giant old-fashioned clock rose from the ground behind her the same time a piano rose in front. She pressed some keys and End's struggling form was instantly surrounded by dozens of pipe speakers, and she pointed a finger at the clock, calling out "Zafriel, Requiem!" when she pointed her finger back at End, the dozens of speakers all sounded with an eerie tune that was like static but a hundred times worse. The song not only held him in place, but he was thrashing and yelling until finally, End's body went limp. The Alpha Team, seeing that they didn't seem to need any more attacks because it would look like overkill, went to his body with caution. 

When they unraveled the plants, they were all surprised to see that it wasn't End inside, but a very irritated and hurt Forge.

"Did you like my Houdini act?" End's voice boomed from behind them. He had a knife across Sierra's throat. Matthias growled, but before he could make a move, runes started flying around End and blasted him away from her. 

"No, you don't do that yet," Magus the warlock said. Beside him were a few tired elves and a focused Clary. Their example was immediately followed by another. Witches and wizards started firing curses at him after they saw that Umbra's spells worked. The Vampires waited until the hexing abated and they lunged at him, pinning him down. End growled and exploded into an extremely bright white light that blinded all who looked upon him. When they finally got to look at him, End's whole body was awash and glowing with a harsh golden light. They could feel power rolling off of him in waves. Those who could teleport teleported away, like the witches and wizards who apparated. Some created portals to move farther away. Others ran off. They were heroes, but as they were told before by Shifter before they were brought here, if they see that they couldn't defeat him, or if they were gonna die, they were to leave. 

In the end, only Shifter, Chaos, Void, and the Alpha Team were left. The rush of power from End could only mean that he was building up power to show his divine form. as they prepared themselves against it, casting shields and powerful spells of protection, at loud yell was heard and a giant ax imbued with lightning hit him square in the chest. shifter immediately knew what it was and before Thor could do anything, Shifter snapped his fingers and Thor was teleported away with his weapon, Stormbreaker, flying to his hand. The shield that they had made was completed, and confident that nothing can come in or out of the black force field that they made, Shifter and everyone else advanced on the enraged End who was almost on his divine form. 

Bloom could only imagine what would happen to them if End summons his divine form. Shifter had only done it a few times with the Alpha Team, but it was always with a black field like this in order to prevent casualties. The aftermath was always like someone detonated a nuclear warhead on the area inside the field. She visibly gulped. Umbra put his hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

"This isn't the end," He said laughingly. "Pun intended,"

She forgot about her fear and punched him playfully. No one else seemed to notice this little exchange as they all stared, mesmerized at the pure form of End changing. 

"Normally, a divine form like End's woud destroy everything around him, including the planet. But here in this field that we had made, we had reduced that. Not enough to weaken him- he's still too powerful- no, just enough to lessen the effects of his divine form. You might be feeling an uncomfortable sensation and a deep sense of fear," Shifter said. The alpha Team nodded and they all advanced on End.




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