Epilogue: Chapter 30

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"How has my friend been faring, Dayus?"
I knew he was absolutely destroyed, but I had honestly wished it would have been a little more fun.
Like, all I had to do was toy with one woman in front of him, and it sent him over. Where was the challenge?
"Poorly, Sir."
"As expected. Any details?"
So I take joy in his suffering. But that's completely natural, is it not? You enjoy seeing your enemies suffer. It's human nature.
"You are aware that he kicked the Hemmings girl out about a month ago."
That revelation had made the saga much more compelling.
"We have discovered that she has been with child for about two months now, and that's why he kicked her out. She has his Irish assistant with her just a bit outside of London."
Unexpected, but not unappreciated.
"She is with child? It can't be mine, for I am unable to reproduce."
I know this for a fact, since I have tried for an heir before and no one took my seed.
"It can't be mine either, doctors say I ruined any chance of reproducing because of my 'social habits.'"
'Social habits,' meaning a copious amounts of drugs and alcohol.
I turned away from the window I had been looking out of. It was as good of a view as you could get in London, but it made me feel like I owned the world.
It's the little things in life.
"It's not yours, and it's not mine."
"Isn't that just poetic. He kicked out the only person he cares about because she was with child, and he doesn't know it's his child!" I exclaimed with excitement.
Things were turning out to be much better than I had originally planned.
I knew promoting "Dayus" (for he still insisted I call him that) would be a good choice.
"So what is the Mighty Damien Lancaster doing now?" I continued, basking in my moment of glory.
"The better question is who is he 'doing.' I don't believe he has set a foot outside of a brothel in the past month."
"Is that so?"
"Mostly, because sometimes leaves to buy more opium. He's smoking it out of a pipe now."
Who needs plans when fate does the work for you?
"Anything else?"
"If he's not high, he's drunk or fucking a whore over any remotely flat surface, if he's not doing all three at the same time."
"The mighty has fallen, it seems," I pondered out loud. "Every powerful empire has a devastating crash. Damien Lancaster thought he was invincible, but the flow of time caught up with him."
"What do we do now, Sir?"
"Nothing. He will ruin himself without us even raising a finger."

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