Chapter 11

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After dinner, Mr Lancaster and I were escorted back to our bedrooms by a dark skinned woman in a servant uniform. I was curious, I wanted to ask questions...
"Miss? What's your name?" I tried to start. She looked at me, panicked. She didn't look that old- probably about the same age as Mr Lancaster. Her puffy hair was tied back with a ribbon, and she had hypnotic chocolate brown eyes and full, lush lips. Her face was rounded, but in a distinctly feminine way. I thought she was gorgeous.
"Just as long as master doesn't hear..." She whispered, even though the guest wing was secluded from the rest of the house. I shooed Mr Lancaster into our room and closed the door. I wanted to talk to her.
"My name's Jennifer."
"That's a beautiful name." I was whispering as well since I did not want to bring any unwanted attention to us. Even though we were in the guest quarters and no one was around, I didn't want to risk anything.
"It's my momma's name-"
"Amy, darling, are you going to join me any time soon?" I let out a shocked gasp as he opened the door.
"M- Damien, I'll be with you in just a moment."
By the look on his face, he knew he would get that reaction. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes that told me that he intentionally startled me just to get a reaction.
Mr Lancaster closed the door again.
"I'm sorry for botherin' you Missus-"
"No!" I stopped Jennifer from leaving by lightly touching her arm before she could feel guilty, "I was asking because I wanted to! You weren't bothering me, I promise. In fact, I'd like to speak with you again soon?"
I purposely said that like a question so I wouldn't scare her... I wanted her to know that she still had full control of the situation. Jennifer nodded and promptly left.
I retreated to my room. Our room? Either way, I wasn't pleased by Mr Lancaster's interruption.
"What the hell was that for?" I questioned with a slightly raised tone.
Mr Lancaster slowly strode toward me. His entire aura just screamed confidence.
"I like watching your reactions, darling."
It was impossible for me to take my eyes off of him... His movements were bewitching. Mr Lancaster never took his eyes off of me, eyes that actually held some emotion (for once)... If lust is an emotion. I knew how Mr Lancaster was. Sometimes we feel lust for each other, but that doesn't mean we'd do it. Lust was a normal feeling after all... Right? Mr Lancaster might not care about emotional connection, but I did. Mr Lancaster did say he was a virgin... But was that part of a dream? Could a man like Damien Lancaster- pure, dark seduction with talented lips and skilled hands- really be a virgin?
We were now almost chest to chest. This was also when I realized the distinct lack of clothing Mr Lancaster was (or was not) wearing. Necktie loose, tailcoat abandoned, shirt untucked...
I was slightly distracted, to say the least.
"I... Uh, okay... J-just don't do it again!"
Mr Lancaster's finger brushed across my cheek. I tried taking a step back, but I hit the dresser by the bed.


That was it. He held me, entranced, with just one word. One command.
The only thing I could focus on was the pounding of my heart in my chest and Mr Lancaster's steel grey eyes.
"I, uh, stopped?"
Was he looking for an answer? A comment? Was this supposed to be a conversation?
Mr Lancaster pressed his lower body into me, effectively holding me against the dresser. Holding on to my shoulders, he pressed me down so I was sitting on it. Mr Lancaster stood between my legs.
I suddenly felt very hot. Too hot. I came out of my reverie when Mr Lancaster gripped my chin with his hand, leaning in.
"Sir... What-"
"Don't ask questions!"
I awkwardly licked my lips, desperate to have his pressed against mine. His eyes zeroed in on the movement.
I remembered something like this has happened before... What was it, the second time we kissed? When were on my ship, in my bed, and yes, kissing... And then someone walked in on us...
Though it was vague at first, the memory slowly became more and more vivid. I was straddling him in bed, both of us half naked.

Was he thinking about the same thing right now? Did he enjoy that kiss as much as I did?

Mr Lancaster let out a low grunt, not taking his eyes off of my lips.
"You should not do that darling, you are making me think about things I shouldn't do to an unmarried woman."
This confession surprised me, but it was certainly a welcomed one.
"Like pleasuring me with your fingers?"

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