Chapter 20

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When Mr Lancaster woke up in the morning, he flinched away from me like I burned him. The sudden movement woke me up.
"Good mornin' to you too," I grumbled through a pout.
Mr Lancaster didn't respond. He easily untangled himself from me and got out of bed. He pulled the luggage out from under it.
"We need to leave now, Miss Hemmings."
I was able to drag myself out of bed quick enough.
Quick enough for me.
But of course, nothing is ever fast enough Mr Lancaster. He kept rambling and ranting about how long I was taking and how I should hurry up, but he stopped talking when I slipped my nightie over my head, back facing him. Like always, everything except my bare back was hidden from his view (even my backside wouldn't be visible from his angle). And again, like always and without fail, Mr Lancaster stops talking.

Maybe I should get naked more if I want to shut him up.

"Miss Hemmings, I do not understand why you have to constantly do that..." If I didn't know him so well, I wouldn't have noticed the slight strain in his voice.
Lucky for me, I do know him well.
And oh dear, I certainly noticed.
Even though I knew how much power I had in this situation, I decided to show mercy. Wether or not Mr Lancaster has actual feelings for me, I have seen by now that he does feel at least a little bit of lust.
I could use the lust and take advantage of it, but like I said, I'll be kind and show mercy.
Mr Lancaster has no idea what I could have done if I wanted to do it.
"Well sir, I believe it's common practice to wake up and get dressed into normal day clothes. In fact, I would bet that we get dressed about the same number of times per day."
"That wasn't... Was not exactly what I meant– never mind. Just continue with what you were doing."
"What does it look like I'm doing, sir? I'm not undressed for no reason."
I didn't bother holding my smirk back since Mr Lancaster couldn't see my face, but the amusement in my voice was quite obvious.
"I understand that you would not be undressed without... reason..."
"Could you toss me my chemise, sir?"
I didn't realize that I had everything I needed to dress except that one item.
"Um, where might I find it...?"
"In my bag, you idiot, where else?"
A small laugh escaped my lips on accident. I could hear Mr Lancaster grumbling about something as he went through my bag.
There was a woosh and I felt the chemise hit the back of my head, blocking my sight.
"God damned asshole!" I shrieked with laughter as I slipped it on.
"I seem like less of an idiot when you are the one with your underthings on your head like that."
Now that I was decently covered, I turned around to scowl at him. Mr Lancaster just shrugged it off. Maybe the lighting was strange in the room, but I would have sworn a slight smile tried making its way on to his lips.

Why are you staring at his lips, Amy?

I could see my inner conscious wiggling her eyebrows at me. And this time, I had no witty response.
Mr Lancaster fake scowled back at me.
"Sir! Are you... Teasing me?"
That would certainly be new.
"If I was...?"
"I wouldn't mind."
"Okay, then yes. I was."
I didn't try to hold my smile back.
"I was wondering when you'd take the stick out of your arse."
"I- well, literally speaking, there is not a stick up my... Yeah... But figuratively, one might say-"
"Oh shut up and help me lace this bastard up."
While I was able to do it all myself, the process went by much faster when someone helped me.
Mr Lancaster came around to my side of the bed, sitting on the edge of it. He grabbed my waist and lightly pulled me to him.
I felt Mr Lancaster's fingers trace up along my spine until he reached the bare skin at my neck.
"Sir," I said, struggling with my urge to pant, "those are not the laces."
He just quietly grunted behind me.
I went to turn around and see his face, but he held me in place by my waist.
"Don't," he pretty much groaned.
"What?" My confusion was growing rapidly. "Are you hurt? Are you okay, sir?"
Mr Lancaster stood up behind me, not letting me turn around. My back was pressed against his chest, so I could feel his heart pounding furiously.
"Just... Address me as Mr Lancaster, okay?"
His hot breath was fanning against the back of my neck, making me tremble.
"Um, okay?"
"Until I say otherwise."
After that awkward moment, we quickly gathered our things and left. Perhaps Mr Lancaster forgot that he said he would drive the carriage last night, but we spent another 15 minutes in this small, river side Indiana town looking for a driver and a ferry.
We found one younger man (though still slightly older than Mr Lancaster) that promised to have us in central Tennessee by dawn. Of course, Mr Lancaster liked the sound of that, though I had my doubts. Either way, he was eager and ready to prove himself, so I decided to give him a chance.
That entire day, Mr Lancaster and I just stared out our windows. I even ended up drifting off into a nap a few times.

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