Chapter 28

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I love you too.

I love you too, Amelia Hemmings.

He loves me!

"Wait! You actually... love me back?"
Mr Lancaster was on top of me again, cradled between my legs.
"I thought I made it obvious?"
"I thought I was overanalyzing it, like I was trying to create something that wasn't there."
Mr Lancaster pressed a kiss against my temple.
"No, you weren't."
"Even after yesterday? You refused to look at me. You weren't even kind to me."
Mr Lancaster slowly exhaled. I could tell that he was deeply upset with himself.
"I couldn't bring myself to look at you, Amy. I promised to protect you and, well, you know what happened. I was ashamed and embarrassed, and-"
I kissed him. Slowly. Lovingly.
"I wouldn't blame you for that. It was a difficult situation. I am surprised though, because I thought you were disgusted with me?"
"Not disgusted. Never. I was shocked when he commented '15 years ago,' but that wasn't anything you could control. Killing the bastard who did that to you? It's not even a sin."
"But I'm like... Well, I've been thinking about flowers without petals. I'm not what you would call 'desirable' or 'worthy...'"
"That's a lie, God, you have no idea how wrong you are."
"Is it though?"
"Absolutely. You think you're not desirable? I am aching to thrust my cock inside of you right now."
I could feel my face turning red. There we were, alone in his office and naked, and we were just talking.
I laughed at that. Mr Lancaster understood the cue and kissed me so hard that I couldn't think straight.
"I don't want to hurt you."
"Please go slow..."
With that, something devious glinted in Mr Lancaster's eyes, and his lips twitched up into a smirk. And God, that smirk was sexy as Hell.
"Of course, darling, but that doesn't mean I don't like hearing you beg."
My face flushed even more, but not from embarrassment. No, this time it was from arousal.
He was doing this to me with just his words.
This man, undoubtedly, has skills that he should have put to use a long time ago (though I was happy that I was the first to experience his skills. I don't think it's hypocritical for me to want an "inexperienced" man, since I was inexperienced with love making as well).
Mr Lancaster positioned himself at my entrance, while looking at me with concern.
"Are you sure about this? I can stop now if you want. I can stop at any time, but the longer you wait, the more difficult it will be for me."
"I am sure."
I held on to his shoulders as he pushed just the head in, and I already let a moan out.
Mr Lancaster smirked again.
"Darling, I still have eight and a half more inches to go."
He pushed in slowly, inch by inch, and he understood every cue I gave him. I dug my nails into his shoulders, encouraging him to hurry up.
"Be patient, I'm enjoying this."
Mr Lancaster was definitely teasing me.
"You bastard!"
He chuckled and brought his lips down on mine. Without warning, he thrusted himself all the way in. I let out a surprised (but pleasured) gasp.
"About damn time!"
Mr Lancaster waited a moment to let me adjust to his size. Even though I wasn't a virgin, Mr Lancaster's size was quite a bit bigger than the other's.
"May I?"
I'm glad we were able to understand each other, since our sentences weren't longer than three words at a time. Slowly, Mr Lancaster drew his hips back and pushed back in (still slowly).
"Not that slow!" I hissed in frustration.
"But you asked-"
I grabbed a fist full of his hair, yanking his head down so I could kiss him. Taken off guard, Mr Lancaster didn't deny me.
Mr Lancaster held on to my hips tightly as he increased his pace slightly.
"Fuck, you feel so good..." Mr Lancaster moaned against my mouth.
He grabbed on to my leg and pulled it on to his back. The position allowed him to penetrate me deeper.
"Go faster!"
How was I making sentences right now?
Mr Lancaster must have been done with teasing me, since he now started to vigorously pound into me.
"God!" I shouted, unintentionally. I moved my hands out of his hair so I could dig my nails into his back.
There was a flame building up in me. I raised my hips slightly to take him in as much as possible.
Suddenly, Mr Lancaster stopped, and I protested.
"What? Why did you-"
He covered my mouth with his hand. Mr Lancaster easily scooped me up and sat up, placing me in his lap while facing him.
"I want to hold you in my arms when I make you scream."
I straddled his legs and he slid himself right back into me. Mr Lancaster's hands were everywhere. They traveled up my body and down my back, learning every little bit of me. Soon his lips joined his hands in worshipping my body.
"Come on Amy, move those hips and ride me!"
I giggled. I had a hard time taking him seriously when he spoke like that, but I sped my pace up anyway.
Mr Lancaster's head tilted back as he let out another moan.
"Fuck yes, keep doing that."
"I wasn't planning on stopping it anyway-"
He cut me off with a sharp slap to my ass. I got spankings as a child when I misbehaved, but I was never aroused by the action until now.
Mr Lancaster started to bounce me up and down.
"Oh God!" I shouted, along with other forms of blasphemy. Mr Lancaster's hold on me only got tighter, and his thrusts only got more frantic. Attempting to hold back a scream, I bit his shoulder. He hissed slightly at the pain, but something told me that he liked it.
Finally, it was like the floodgates opened. My back arched, pressing our chests together, and my head fell back.
"Fuck, Damien!"
I wanted to call him by his first name for a while now.
He was clenching his teeth from the effort of holding himself back. Even after I had finished, he kept pounding into me, sending me over the edge over and over again.
Mr Lancaster finally let out a low groan as he released himself inside of me. We collapsed on to the couch, trying to catch our breath.
"God damn Ameila, that was fucking amazing."
Unable to speak, I just nodded. Mr Lancaster adjusted himself so he was resting on top of me with his head laying on my chest. It took a few minutes, but our heart beats finally went back to their normal speed.
Able to think again, I took a moment to appreciate the fact that Mr Lancaster is a post sex cuddler. I smiled at that. I reached for my chemise, which was on the floor not too far away, and Mr Lancaster grabbed my wrist.
"Do you think I'm done with you yet?"
"You're so wrong, Amy Hemmings."
Mr Lancaster picked me up until we weren't even on the couch anymore. My eyes were closed since his lips were attacking mine again, but the air was mostly knocked out of me when I was slammed into a wall.
I don't know what kind of magic Mr Lancaster had, but even that had me gasping from pleasure.
He spun me around so I was facing the wall and pushed me up against it. Mr Lancaster urged my legs apart and he wasted no time filling me up again. He was a bit more rough with me this time. I felt his teeth and lips wander around my shoulders and back, and he slapped my ass several time as he pulled on my hair.
The sensations were overwhelming me. The only things I was aware of was my pleasure and Mr Lancaster's heavy breaths against my neck. He grabbed my hips and spun me around, then he laced my leg around his waist. Now my neck, collar bones, and breasts were the targets for his teeth. Perhaps I was already on edge from our last love making session, but it took me less time to finish.
After that, he took me on the floor and  bent over his desk before we snuck off to his room to continue on his bed. Mr Lancaster and I were wrapped up in his blankets. I was tucked into his side with my head resting on his bare chest. Mr Lancaster had his arms protectively wrapped around me.
"Mr Lancaster?"
"I will not respond to anything but my first name right now, darling."
I playfully (and very lightly) slapped him.
"Okay Damien-"
"Much better."
"-what time is it?"
Damien reached over to his night stand and found his pocket watch.
"It just turned 7:59 pm. Why?"
"Isn't it a Thursday?"
"And your employees leave at 8:00."
"They do."
"So they probably heard all of that."
Damien tilted my chin up so he could make eye contact with me.
"I fucking hope so. Now everyone would know that you're mine." He pressed a kiss on the top of my head.
"People are going to think that I'm some type of whore."
"There's no way. I wasn't exactly quiet when I shouted 'I love you.' Surely I wouldn't say that to some whore. Besides, I would never waste my time on a random prostitute. Everyone knows that."
"I suppose..."
I yawned, suddenly feeling exhausted.
"Let's just go to sleep now, darling."
He didn't need to hear my words. I smiled up at him and snuggled against his body some more. We were both asleep in no time.


This time, the soreness that woke me up wasn't an unpleasant feeling. After Dayus and Chandler, something in me snapped, which encouraged me to pursue Damien. Naturally, when I spent more than five consecutive seconds thinking about the night in the cellar, I would become terribly depressed. However, now I had Damien to comfort me. He understood that simply being in love couldn't "cure" me, but I was happy that I didn't have to face it all alone.
When I woke up the next morning, the bed was empty. I groaned in protest, but I opened my eyes and Damien was standing in front of the mirror.
"What are you doing?" I asked, half yawning.
Damien wasn't wearing a shirt but his dress pants hung low, leaving nothing to my imagination... Not that I needed my imagination anymore, since reminiscing would be the same thing now. He seemed to be examining himself.
"I'm just appreciating your art work, darling."
"I don't understand."
Damien opened the window curtains so I could have a better look.
"Oh my God! I did that to you?"
His chest and back were covered in deep red lines. Some of the lines were only red and raised, but others were almost bleeding.
"I said I was appreciating it. You did a fine job. This one is my favorite."
Damien pointed to the teeth shaped bruise on his shoulder. I knew I bit him when I tried holding a scream back.
I got out of the bed (albeit a bit unsteadily) and joined Damien in front of the mirror.
"I have hand prints all over me, and bite marks too."
"Yes, yes you do. I made sure of it."
Damien hugged me from behind.
"You're such a primitive, Damien Lancaster."
"I like marking you as mine. So what? I know you enjoyed it anyway."
"I did."
"Let's lay back down. It is still a little bit early, and we have time."
Once we were in the bed, I clung on to him, claiming some of his warmth for myself.
"I like us like this," I whispered to him as I placed a kiss on his chin.
I knew it was risky, using the "us" word, but I wanted to gage his reaction.
"I like us like this too," he whispered back while pressing a kiss on the top of my head.

Hell yes! I silently cheered.
This turned out way better than I had hoped.

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