Chapter 16

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My neck and back were severely stiff. Part of me wishes that I would have acted like an adult and just slept in the bed.
But no.
My stubbornness and pride couldn't allow that... So I suppose it was worth it.
Mr Lancaster was no where to be seen, even though it was only 5 in the morning. Taking the opportunity since I had privacy, I changed out of my night dress. I had decided to pick one up on the way to Chicago since I didn't want my chemise to get ruined. That was one stop Mr Lancaster didn't like making. First he complained in his own way- a mix of the silent treatment and chauvinism- and then he sighed and said "okay, but you are going in by yourself."
Since I came to America preparing to talk to some rich business partners, I brought a larger dress selection than I normally would on any other trip. The dress that I put on was a soft champagne color with some gold stitching. There weren't many designs on it, and what was there was simple. I didn't want to spend too much money on it.
Feeling confident, I took a moment to admired myself. My hair looked soft and golden, and it had pretty waves in it. I don't normally feel this good about my looks, so I allowed myself to bask in the moment.
Content, I strode to the door. I ended up tripping on something, and I just about slammed my face into the oak door. I heard a groan.
"Mr Lancaster? Whar are you doing on the floor?"
He turned slightly on his side as he covered his face with a pillow.
"Are you daft? I was sleeping."
"As hard as I may try, Miss Hemmings, I physically cannot go long without sleep."
Mr Lancaster pulled the blanket over his shoulders more as he rolled completely over onto his stomach.
"Well, sir," I started calmly, "I was asking why you were sleeping on the floor, and why did you sleep in past 4?"
"Good God woman! Do I have to wake up early every day?"
His speech confused me... Mr Lancaster sounded so human... It wasn't something I was used to.
"I know you, sir. That wasn't the real reason."
"I do not sleep well at night, Miss Hemmings. I believe we have been through this before."
Mr Lancaster pressed his face into the pillow even more, so his voice sounded muffled.
"Do you have any laudenum?" I asked, just trying to be helpful.
With a groan of effort, he lifted his head off of the pillow slightly.
"No. That was gone by the time you hired Casimir."
"Why haven't you gotten more?"
"I do not always have the time to stop by a doctor and ask them for their opium products, Miss Hemmings. Half the time I do not even see a doctor for it... The street laudenum is stronger."
"'Off the street because it's stronger?' It already has just about every variation of opium in it, including codine and morphine! It's highly addictive- do you see what it's doing to China?"
"Yes, I get it off the street, yes, it generally is not strong enough from the doctor, and I am aware of what it consists of. I know opium is bringing havoc in China, but they are also smoking it out of pipes rather than using it for medical purposes. So, unlike them, I am not addicted. Look who you are talking to, Miss Hemmings, do you think I get addicted to anything?-"
"I guess not..."
"However, I do not need to hear your opinions about my personal life, Miss Hemmings, so be sure to refrain from voicing your concerns in the future."
"Yes sir," I mumbled dejectedly. "But you still haven't told me why you chose to sleep on the floor last night."
Mr Lancaster let his head rest on the pillow again before exhaling with annoyance.
"That is true."
"Um... Are you going to tell me why?"
Maybe he was exhausted, but Mr Lancaster's let out a sarcastic chuckle.
"Darling, no. I had no intention of letting you know in the first place. Now let me sleep."
I just mumbled "yes sir."
I let a moment pass before speaking again.
"At least sleep on the bed, sir. The floor can't be comfortable."
"I cannot imagine the couch being much better," he spat bitterly. But it wasn't filled with anger or hate towards me... Perhaps there was some guilt. "I saw how you fell asleep last night, and I heard you when you woke up- I tried sleeping again after that, but alas, here I am- and I could practically hear the tension in your sighs and groans. Your movement sounded stiff, and just about every single one of your joints were creaking and cracking."
I couldn't grasp at the point he was trying to make, but I also couldn't deny the fact I was stiff and sore.
"I've slept in worse conditions, sir-"
"But, Miss Hemmings, I could not prevent any of those. Any pain you are feeling right now is because of me."
By now, I was almost certain that I heard guilt in his voice. But Mr Lancaster and guilt? He didn't feel guilty! He never does!
"You've caused me plenty of pain before, I don't understand why you care now."
Though he still seemed half asleep, Mr Lancaster slammed his fist down on the floor, cursing.
"Miss Hemmings, please, can we talk about this after I sleep?"
The pleading tone in his voice made me stop in my tracks. Completely.
Mr Lancaster never says please...
"Alright. I'll try to be quiet, but I might be coming and going for a bit... And for God's sake, sleep on the damn bed!"
I hovered slightly over Mr Lancaster and I took the pillow out from under his head and threw it onto the bed. He groaned in protest as I pulled the blanket off of him.
"Miss Hemmings, the bed is not necessary-"
"We paid for it, we better put it to use!"
Mr Lancaster raised his eyebrows at me in a suggestive but teasing manner.
"Holy hell, Mr Lancaster, get up!"
I grabbed his arm and tugged, though I might as well try lifting an entire house. I would have been just as successful. I was barely able to make my hands reach around his arm since his muscles were so large and defined. Briefly, I admired his toned biceps-
"Look, I am up now. See? Now let go of me."
Sure enough, Mr Lancaster was standing up.
I certainly looked longer than necessary as well. His white button up shirt was mostly undone, and he wasn't wearing any pants. He looked disheveled and delectable at the same time.
"Lay down on the bed and sleep there like a civilized person," I finally managed to squeek out.
Mr Lancaster hesitated for a moment. He just stared at me, looking deep into my eyes like he was searching for my soul. Some sunlight came through the curtains, since it was almost 6 now, and it reflected off of his eyes. They looked more black in that moment than grey.
Mr Lancaster broke away, leaving me confused. What was that for? Why was that possibly one if the most intense moments of my life?
"I- um, I'll be back soon, sir, I just need to go and grab something..."
"Be quiet when you get back, and try to not get yourself killed." Mr Lancaster was already adjusting the blankets on him as he settled down on the bed.
"I'll try my best."
"To being quiet or staying alive?"
Mr Lancaster looked at me expectantly.
"I guess we'll find out later, now won't we sir?"
I went to the door. Just as I had my hand on the knob, Mr Lancaster stopped me.
"Really, Miss Hemmings. Do not get hurt."
I was speechless.
He cared? He clearly didn't want me hurt... I didn't know he cared for me like that...
"Because I would rather not have to deal with the police today."
Of course.
I didn't let my disappointment show.
"I wouldn't want to inconvenience you, sir."
"Very well. You may carry on now."
By the sound of his voice, it seemed like Mr Lancaster was probably already dozing off.
I slipped out of the room, careful to not disturb him. I left the inn, briefly waving to the innkeeper.
So I went looking for a doctor. It was the least I could do.
Now that the sun was up, there were more people up and about. Most of them were younger looking men who probably worked at the mills and at construction sites, based on their dirty faces and torn up clothes.
Admittedly, I was lost.
Why wouldn't I be? It's not like I've ever been to Chicago before.
There was a little boy, probably about 10 years old, carrying some explosives.
I kneeled down in front of him, getting to his height.
"Excuse me, kind sir, could you please help a lost lady? I simply cannot find where a doctor might be!"
The boy gave me a big, toothy grin.
"Of course ma'am, there's one right on Michigan. Fancy English bloke too."
"Where might Michigan be?"
He pointed North.
"That way about half a mile. A bit less, actually."
"Thank you so much for saving me!" I said perhaps a little dramatically.
What can I say? I love kids.
It took me about 15 minutes to get to "The James Apothecary-" a slightly worn down building with its white paint chipping off.
As I walked in, the bell against the door chimed, alerting the man behind the counter. It looked like he was arranging something under his desk, so when I walked in, he jumped a bit, knocking his head.
"Good God!" He hissed as he held his head.
"Um, good morning to you too, sir..."
He straightened up, adjusting the glasses slipping down his nose, then fixing his long brown hair.
He looked almost familiar.
"Yes, a fine morning indeed, um..."
Jesus, he was a mess.
He stumbled some as he greeted me with a handshake.
"My name's Dr Samuel James, how can I help you?"
"You're British," I pointed out, noticing his accent. Well, the little boy did say "fancy English bloke."
"As are you, Miss...?"
"Hemmings. Hemmings? Ah yes, Hemmings! You've met my brother." Dr Sam James snapped his fingers as he tried recollected my name, and then he clapped when he finally figured it out.
"Al. Or, uh, Albert. Albert James? Yes?"
"Yes, I almost met him once."
He was the one who challenged Mr Lancaster about Alicia all those months ago.
"Is it safe to assume you are here with Damien?"
"Ha!" He laughed out loud. "I heard he was coming North! Here, I got this ready for him."
Samuel James handed me a bottle of a red-brown liquid.
"Laudenum. Just how he likes it," Dr James said with a wink.
"If I can ask... Is Mr Lancaster, um... Addicted to it?" I continued looking at the bottle.
"No, Damien doesn't get addicted. I honestly don't think he's able to experience addiction, he has so much self control."
"I suppose that is a relief..."
"You don't need to worry about Damie- wait, do you worry about Damien?"
Samuel James sounded surprised.
"Of course. Why wouldn't I?"
"You've met the man, why would you? Your worry is the last thing necessary. Unless, maybe you care for him?"
His eyebrows raised slightly.
"Don't get ahead of yourself," I teased back at him.
But my face heated up.
I did care for him, though I didn't know to what extent.
Before I had a chance to embarrass myself even more, I headed out of the apothecary.
When I was just outside of the inn, I noticed a piece of paper nailed to a tree. I wouldn't have given it a second thought, but "My Little Dove" was written hastily on the front.

Oh my God, we're literally half a world away...
How did they find us?

I took it off of the tree to quickly read it.

"Dearest Miss Amelia Hemmings,

I can never lie to you, dove, but it really did take me a while to find you. You do look absolutely ravishing in that dress. At first, I wasn't sure if I should believe in our friend Dayus's accounts- he has a wide taste of women... Most of which I disagree with. And yet, here you are, and I find myself agreeing with our good friend.
Would you be so kind and inform our other good friend, who shot me, that I am here with you two? I am aware that we aren't on the best of terms, but I guess I still wanted to check in on him.
Here's a suggestion: ask him why he needs opium to sleep. I would bet he will mention me.

Faithfully yours,
A friend of a friend

P.S.- you left the windows unlocked last night. Don't make that mistake again."

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