Chapter 6

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I ran to the street, away from the body, and threw up. I heaved and heaved into the gutters and landscape until my body trembled with exhaustion and I was completely dehydrated and weak. Mr Lancaster came up behind me and rubbed small circles on my back and held my hair away from my face.
"Miss Hemmings, you are dreaming things up again. Like Kaiser. Remember how that was just a dream?" Since I did remember vague snippets of that, it must have been a dream, since there was no way it could have been even remotely real. No one would do that to a dog.
I felt relaxed. I knew I was dreaming. With that in mind, I started giggling hysterically. Why not? Even though I witnessed that, it wasn't real!
"Mr Lancaster, don't you think that cutting off his hands were a bit... Overkill?"
Mr Lancaster didn't laugh, but that wasn't surprising. Even dream Mr Lancaster didn't laugh or smile.
"Maybe he didn't... See it coming! I thought it would have been a no brainer."
"Miss Hemmings," Mr Lancaster hissed lowly, but quietly, at me. "Now is not the time to joke! There is never a good time to joke!"
"But it's not real sir! You're not tricking me. I'm going to wake up in the bed by my office, and all of this will cease to exist."
"Quite true, Miss Hemmings. Let us go there now. That way I could show you how correct you are."
Mr Lancaster didn't wait for my response. He firmly took hold of my hand, interlacing our fingers, and pulled me along with him. I wiggled my fingers that were stuck in his iron grip, but to no avail.
"Discontinue your fidgeting immediately, Miss Hemmings."
"Yes sir! Right away, Mr Lancaster, sir!"
I held on to his hand just as tightly as he was holding on to mine.
Mr Lancaster kept looking around us like a paranoid lunatic as we went back to the building. He quickly ushered me up the steps to my bedroom. I enthusiastically kicked off my shoes and jumped into my bed, to my dress's complaint. The hoop croaked awkwardly.
"Miss Hemmings, you should undress first," Mr Lancaster pointed out rather awkwardly.
I waved my hand in front of my face. I didn't know why I did, but it certainly did seem dream like. There was a lethargic haziness to everything that gave the dream away.
"Help me, sir."
"No, I'm going hunting. Yes, undressing!"
"Very well..."
He took hold of my hands and helped me off the bed.
"Turn around."
I obeyed.
Obeyed? I never obey Mr Lancaster! Not even in my dreams!
I concluded that dreams are just strange.
Mr Lancaster was able to undress me pretty fast... Probably since he had so much experience with other women? I didn't let that bother me. It would be upsetting if I wasn't his first though...

Stop and back up.
His first?

I shook my head to get rid of that thought.
Finally, I was stripped down to my chemise with Mr Lancaster's help. There were times that I could have sworn that he accidentally (on purpose) brushed my skin with the tips of his fingers or went out of his way to touch me. The actions made me inexplicably aroused.

Inexplicably? Really? You can't think of any reason why you want to get into bed with Mr Lancaster (with considerably less clothing) right now?

Oh, be quiet!

"I am putting your clothes right here because that is where you left them before you went to sleep last night," Mr Lancaster explained to me as he gathered up my clothes from the floor and laid them across a chair. I nodded, but my mind was elsewhere.
Of course, I was curious... There was me, Mr Lancaster, and alone time in a room...
So what? It was just a dream! He'll never find out anything in real life!
I turned around to face him. Gripping his lapels tightly, I pulled him to me, crashing my lips against his. There was a sharp gasp, and his hands shot out to hold my shoulders. At first I thought it was to push me away, but he ended up pulling me flush against him. Mr Lancaster's hands slipped from my shoulder to my upper back. I felt him playing with the thin fabric of my chemise- the only thing separating me from my dream ruination.
I kissed Mr Lancaster urgently, while he kissed me back with twice the urgency. That was when I took my chance. Even in a dream, it was daunting, but my hands slid from his lapels to his tie, loosening it a bit. Mr Lancaster stiffened slightly before forcing himself to relax a little.

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