Chapter 13

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I would have preferred it if Mr Lancaster kept his light, joking tone, even though I knew it was faked. If Mr Lancaster was actually like that, I would have undoubtedly developed romantic feelings for him.
I can't allow that.
Not that it would ever happen or anything...
"Why did you leave me this morning?"
I was expecting yelling about Bennett Wynn, or something like that. But Mr Lancaster wasn't yelling. He was just standing exceptionally close to me, speaking in a whisper.
"I was hungry."

You were embarrassed about the potential confrontation.

It wasn't a complete lie.
Luckily my stomach growled at that moment.
"Did you eat yet?" The question sounded caring, but he probably didn't care either way.
I shifted awkwardly on my feet from the silence, until Mr Lancaster cupped my chin and tilted my head up to look at him.
"Amelia Hemmings, while you were speaking with Bennett Wynn, do you know what I was doing?"
Mr Lancaster didn't sound angry, but the intensity in his voice made me prefer anger.
"I don't have a clue... I thought you were sleeping."
Mr Lancaster chuckled, but it was out of frustration. He put a hand on my shoulder, gripping it tightly, and leaned in to whisper in my ear.
"When I first woke up, I was hard as a rock."
I jerked backwards in surprise, but Mr Lancaster still held me close.
"I am not done yet, darling. I took a cold shower, but even that could not get my cock down."
"Sh, darling. Do you know what I did next?"
I shook my head no.
"I fucked my hand in the shower. And it is your fault. I took myself in my hand like an inexperienced boy who had a crush on his friend's sister because you drove me wild last night and I needed another release."
The image was emblazoned into my mind. Mr Lancaster, in shower, pleasuring himself because of me.
My stomach rumbled again and Mr Lancaster relased me.
"Follow me," he said gruffly.
Mr Lancaster found the kitchen easily and we both ate fruit.
"Do you know what today is, Miss Hemmings?"
He called me Miss Hemmings...

Did I do something wrong?

"I will be talking to Mr Wynn."
"We," he corrected me.
"Fine." It wasn't worth an argument.
Even though I quickly caught on to the world of business, I was still new to it. Having Mr Lancaster there would be a good idea.
"I'll do most of the talking though, sir."
He didn't comment.
We left the kitchen in search of Mr Wynn, but he ended up finding us instead.
"Let's go to my office, shall we?"
The walk was short. Mr Wynn showed us to a large set of white double doors that lead to his office. He took out a set of keys to unlock it. The key itself was just as elegant as the office: polished silver with intricate floral designs carved in it. The office itself was well lit and a pristine white. There were ceiling length windows with almost transparent curtains that fluttered elegantly.
"Come in, sit down, and get comfortable!" Mr Wynn pulled a chair out for Mr Lancaster.
Did he expect me to sit on the couch and stay to the side?
"Steven, this is Amelia's meeting and Amelia's business. I think it would be most appropriate for you to discuss this with her."
"But... You two are almost married. Doesn't the company belong to you, Damien?"
"No. It is Amy's, and it always will be her's."
Pride built up inside of me. Mr Lancaster did this engagement thing really well!

Fake engagement!

Yeah, that... Right.

Mr Lancaster gestured for me to take the chair as he sat on the couch.
"I think you two are aware of the current turmoil in the country right now."
Mr Lancaster and I both nodded yes.
"Rumors have it that South Carolina is going to secede soon... Probably in the next year or so. There is a war coming, Miss Hemmings, and the South needs supplies. We have almost every advantage over the North. We have better militias, better military leadership, better weapons, a home field advantage... But we don't have enough of those weapons."
"The North has more people, factories, and is in charge of the railroads, yes?" I said.
"Yes... Even if the people aren't trained, they will have more people than we have bullets. And our supplies will quickly diminish since the North controls the railroads. So while the South has more advantages, the North has the important ones."
"What would happen if the South wins?"
"Our way of life would be protected. The states' rights won't be trampled by the federal government. We'll build our own country without the North's interference. The North will crumble without the South's contributions to the economy."

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