Chapter 3

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I'm not stealing! I'm only borrowing this gun for a day! Not even a full day, half a day! Plus Mr Lancaster has so many, he won't notice this one missing for a few hours...

My first stop was home- my real one. I guess John and Celine didn't like the idea of me using the house only as my nighttime lodge every once in a while. Celine wanted me to pay her to stay the night, and John was just angry. I have a couple new bruises and a knife slash on my bicep to show that. It wasn't deep, just long. The conclusion that was reached in the end stated that this week was not a good week for me to stay in the house, but they still had full legal power over me and I will attend any balls with them because "it was about time [I] got married, damn it!" and "[My] biological clock won't wait on [me] forever!" (Celine's words, not mine.)
After that, I stopped by Victoria's. I hadn't seen her in a while, but we clicked right back into our regular routine as if I was never gone- she would tell me all about the latest gossip, scandals, and fashion trends, while I listened and agreed with her whenever it was appropriate. She also ended up helping me with my arm wound. Like the true friend she was, she knew to not ask me any questions. Victoria might have known who I got into knife fights with, but she didn't even comment.
I didn't dare ask her if I could stay the night there, she had done enough for me already.
Which finally lead me to where I was now: the infamous East End. The sun was going down, and the sky was glorious shades of pink, orange, and blue. Unfortunately, the setting sun also meant that I had little daylight left.
I tried many brothels. I could have tried an inn of some sort, but there aren't any of those nearby. If there were any, they would be seedy and untrustworthy. I might wake up one morning to see that all my things had been taken over the course of the night. Not that I had anything of value on me, but mugging and robberies weren't on my to do list quite yet (unless I was the one doing the aforementioned crimes ... That's not necessarily on my to do list either, but you never know what the future holds).
Anyway, I stopped by several brothels. Apparently they typically don't just rent out rooms to young women who need a place to stay for the night. I did get many job offers from the brothel madames, but I explained that I had a job already. Madame Lottie from the Jolly Roger brothel (the third brothel I scouted that night) told me that I could fetch a high price since I was 'untouched.' A man that heard the conversation since he was nearby came up to me and offered me some actual gold to get under my skirts. He was rather angry when I refused him, so he doubled his offer. Again, I refused. When he got too frustrated, he started shouting threats at me and the Madame.
I politely revealed the hilt of the gun I had tucked into the waist of my skirt and asked him to leave. I honestly was very poliet! I smiled like a lady and said "excuse me sir, but I think it would be best for you if you were to leave now. After all, I'd hate for something bad to happen to a gentleman such as yourself" (cue gun reveal). Yes, I threatened his life with a gun like a true lady. Eyes bugging, he stormed out of the brothel. After waiting a few more minutes, I left as well and went in the opposite direction of the man who wanted to pay me. Just to be safe though, I kept my hand on my gun.
Yes, I still hated unnecessary violence, but self defense violence is excusable. Why wouldn't I protect myself in any possible way? It would be plain stupid if I allowed myself to be harmed because I didn't want to hurt an attacker!
I sauntered along the dirty streets, taking in the black roofs and how the stars began to show in the sky. Exhaustion swept over me. I leaned against the front of a pub that was a few doors down from the brothel and watched the sky as it darkened.

And I still don't have a plan...

A drunk man stumbled out of the bar.

Perhaps I do?

I approached him.
"Good evening sir, may I ask for a favor from you?"
The man used his walking cane to support all of his weight and relied on it to keep him steady and not sway. He was probably in his early 30s, with curly red hair and green eyes.
I hadn't seen anyone with red hair before, so I allowed myself to gawk. He was too drunk to notice it anyway.
"Aye, lil' lady," he said with an inebriated smile.
"What's your name?"
"The name's Graham, ma'am." Graham starting laughing at the rhyme he made on accident.
"Alright Graham, I need your clothes."
Graham shrugged off his tail coat and undid his pants. I looked away as he stripped himself.
"Here yeh go, ma'am."
I took the clothes from him.
"Thank you sir. I shall return them when I can. Where do you live?"
"Beckham Manor. Do yeh know of it?"
"Oh yes! I'm familiar with your mother."
I met Mrs Lacy Beckham one time at a ball and she probably wouldn't be able to pick me out of a line up, but Graham didn't need to know the whole truth.
"Aight m'lady, good luck with whatever you're planning!"

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