"Yes, sir." Sideswipe said as Optimus let him go. Sideswipe looked the way his brother drove off. He noticed Nichole staring the same way as well, then she looked at him. She could see the hurt in his eyes, the regret from fighting his brother. They stared at each other for a moment, until she broke away. He watched her turn around and her and Diesel continue on their way.

Once the two thought they were far enough away to start talking, Diesel broke the silence.

"So, tell me." He looked down at her as they stopped.

"He keeps bringing up the mission in Karz." She began, her tone dead.

"The only mission I wasn't with you on." Diesel acknowledged. She nodded in agreement before continuing.

"He thinks I'm still hanging myself on it. When he knows that I don't give to shits. I went in, did my job, then left. He says that's why I can't have a weapon anymore. I know we joke that it was from the warning shot I gave, but I'd rather just think its from that, than what happened in Karz." She wouldn't admit it, not ever, not even to Diesel, but it was not one of the proudest moments for her.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Diesel sat down next to her.

"What's there to talk about?" She asked back.

They didn't notice the golden Lambo creep up behind them. Sunstreaker stopped a few feet away, knowing it was wrong to eavesdrop, but he couldn't stop himself.

"I killed innocent people, Diesel." Her voice just as dead as before. Sunstreaker couldn't believe what he heard. He couldn't see her face. He couldn't see the guilt that loomed in her eyes. He didn't want to stay any longer. Now he was even more confused. His spark wanted a murderer. Yes, he has killed people, but not because he wanted too. What he just heard was unbelievable.

"The women begged me not to kill their children. They begged me to kill them first. I can still hear their screams. Their cries." Sunstreaker wasn't sure how much more he could hear. He had to go tell someone there was a murderer living right down the hall. It made sense why she wasn't allowed a weapon. She could kill them all. He left as quietly as he could.

"You were ordered too. You were just doing what you were told. They were going to die anyway, if it wasn't by your hand." Diesel defended. Sunstreaker was already out of range to hear.

"I know Diesel. I always did what I was told. I was the only one with the guts to do it. No one else had the stomach to handle it. The people were sick, very sick." She spat. She stood abruptly.

"They sent me in with enough ammo to do the job. I was sent to go in, kill the residents and get out. It was a lone mission only few knew about." He took a digit and rubbed her back. Calming her down. He knew it was hard for her to talk about some things. She tried to keep everything inside.

"But it was easier to do than what I was forced to do growing up." She said in barely a whisper. "So much easier." She knows she should feel awful for what she did overseas, but she doesn't. It truly meant nothing to her. It was easy for her to kill and not feel attached. It had always been easy.

"Sideswipe! Sideswipe!!" Sunstreaker yelled through the bond.

"What" Sideswipe growled through the bond, still mad at his twin for earlier.

"Look I'm sorry, but you got to hear this." Sunstreaker said running into their room. Sideswipe was laying on his berth, looking through some data pads. He looked up as he heard his brother trying to catch his breath. Sideswipe leaned up and looked at his brother in confusion.

"She's a murderer." Sunstreaker spit out, sitting in his berth.

"We are all murderers. We have all killed. How is she any different?" Sideswipe asked.

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