Chapter 22

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I can't stop laughing, it's making my stomach hurt. Clenching, tensing, you name it. How did I not know that teasing someone like him would be a funny thing to do. Teasing isn't the only that's on my mind though when I look in the mirror, I feel thankful that I didn't tie my hair yesterday. I'm currently in a lot of trouble if anyone sees this, maybe someone already did. He's keeping his anger and I'm trying not to cry. I don't want this to ruin their friendship, nor do I want him to get mad at him. Being a scary guy when tempered, it's crazy how I'm best friends with him.

"I-I didn't know that this happened, really! I'm sorry if it made you mad. I don't understand why you're so mad, your face is so red. You need to calm down." I say.

"Y-You, H-how dare you! I don't even know what to say anymore. I didn't know you were this kind of person, Y/N! So you were late because you were making out with someone?! That's your so called 'business' ?! I'm so done with you, are we not friends anymore? We're soulmates Y/N! SOULMATES!"

"You're wrong! Listen to me, I wasn't making out with someone, this person just started doing that and I-I"

"I what?! I didn't try to stop him?! What were you thinking? Stop trying to make up excuses Y/N, that hickey has all the prove I need. Y-you lied! Should I lie to you too? Should I leave you? Maybe this is why your parents left you for money! I now understand their feelings, I understand them." He walked backwards, wanting to leave me all alone in this unfair world.

No, please don't say that, take that back. "Chim Chim, don't leave me, I'm sorry, how do I show you? I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I'm sorry. Don't leave me alone, you promised, we even made a vow."

"Vows don't matter anymore when one of them breaks it."

I grab his hand harshly, "I didn't break it. You did. Stop putting the blame on me. I've told this before, I wasn't making out, this guy-"

"Then tell me who the fuck is this guy?" He demanded. I don't want to tell him. A part of my heart doesn't want him to know because it'll ruin their friendship. Not just ruin, I'll not be able to see him again, that's not what I want. I don't want it to happen. A part of me does. I despise liars, but look at me now. Lying is the last thing I want to do to him and the things I've been doing to him includes lying. Lots of lies. Lots of hate. Lots of... love. Is it?

I can't bring myself to say his name. The choice is in my hands and each of those choices has consequences that I have to face whether I like it or not. Who is more important? Why do I have to choose? If life asks you to, then you have to. Lose a friend or lose a soulmate? Him or Him? Time is ticking, not even thinking to stop. "I-It's T-Taehyung." I look down.

"I knew it." I heard him hiss. "This is why I don't want them to know you! You don't even talk to me as much, you go with him, now you're dating him? Making out in school? Nice. I knew I should've followed my instincts. Now, you're going to abandon me, leave me and never talk to me again. We won't even be soulmates again because he's going to be your soulmate. I was fine when I knew him without him knowing you. I am sure that you'll never exchange me for anyone, but, no, I was sure. I'm not so sure anymore Y/N. I'm sorry, but I think we shouldn't be soulmates anymore. I don't even think we're friends. You can go for him. Make him your friend or soulmate, it's fine. Goodbye." he tried to smile, but all the feelings he's feeling is bringing it down. Now everything is broken. I know I've never broke mine, but he thinks I did.

What makes him think that way anyways? That wasn't part of out vow, we didn't say anything about making out? Fine if he wants it that way. The moment he leaves, he's done it, he will be the first to break the vow. I will make him come back for forgiveness. He's always being so protective and I don't even know anymore. I can't be friends with other guys, like why? He always thinks that I'm going to replace him with some other guy, like why the fuck would I do that to someone who has been with me for almost my entire life? How stupid and ridiculous can he be? Let's just give him time to think, though the amount of tears falling says otherwise.

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