Chapter 4

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"Look who's nervous.."

Is he like bipolar or something?

"I was offended you know." He said out of nowhere.



"My Grandmother" he mumbled, I couldn't hear clearly enough.


He stopped moving forward and I stopped moving backwards. "That's how my grandma died."


"O-Oh, I-I'm so-sorry. I did-didn't mean to hurt your feelings in any way. I'm so very truly sorry. I should've not said anything. I'm sorry" I bowed millions of times and I still haven't stopped.

He hold me by the shoulder. "No, it's fine. Just.. Next time, no offense, would you mind your words? Other people could've plan revenge on you."

Damn, I messed up. I feel humiliated now, as if my parents never taught me manners.

They didn't.

"Yes, I know and I'm truly sorry for saying such things." I said bowing again.

"I said it's fine. No need to keep bowing, you look like those bangtan boys in their MV 'Spine Breaker'. Do you perhaps know them?"

"No offense too, but no. I'm not really into kpop."

"Too bad, they're awesome though, you should go check them out. "

"I'll keep that in mind."

"So, what's your nam-" he got cut off by the bell ringing.


The door suddenly opened making our heads shot towards the door.

FINALLY! Out of this hellhole and I swear this is the first and the last time I'm ever getting in this place.

"Alright, you guys , you may go home now."

I immediately got up from my seat dashing towards the door.

"Bye Taee!!" I waved my hands rushing home.

It was too hot for me too handle.

"But I didn't get your nam-"

"Next time!"

I was then out of his sight.


I knocked on the door and the maids came rushing, opening the door for me. I bowed and went inside.

I took of my bag and gave it to one of the maids so they will bring it to my bag. They took it whilst giving me a set of clothes. I thanked them, walking lazily to the bathroom and showered. Finished with everything, I went to the sofa with my phone and turned on the TV.

Home Sweet Home. Being at home may be boring but home still is the best. I can play with my phone while sleeping on my stomach, watch Kdramas and what not. I love home. I really love home. I really really love home. I real-. Ok Y/N, you need to stop, they know. Yeah so the point is I lo-. Ok, Imma shut up.

I actually live alone. LONELYYY~ I AM SO LONELYYY~ I HAVE NOBODYYY~ ON MY OWNNN~ WOAHHHH~ oK, seriously. Just Jimin. My parents? Work. I don't have any siblings. Well, not anymore. Yes which is the reason why I have this phobia. 'Thantophobia'. Ahhh, just thinking about it is so sad, but I promised myself not to cry over that anymore and leave it in the past. People said not to remember the things in our past, but I believe things in the past can change our future. Everything in the future depends on the past. Am I wrong or am I right? I have no idea but that is what I believe. I will and can never forget about my past though I kinda forgot how my brother di-. Ok Y/N, enough death topics. I am actually in my second year of High school meaning that I have two more years until I finished.

About myself? Not trying to show off anything, but I am born into a wealthy family. Being in a wealthy family have advantages and disadvantages. I have money. I can buy any food I like, go to amusement parks with Jimin. Oh, Jimin is also rich, because our parents you know..  I basically can do anything I want. On the other hand, my parents barely pay any attention to whatever I do and it's hard at first tbfh. Now, I'm pretty independent and I am used to my parents going to work. Even if I have a lot of money, I'm thrifty and sometimes selfish. I don't want to waste too much money in case I get sick and can have the quickest and the best treatment, so I.. don't di-. I hate anything that has high chances of dea-, that, pretty obvious. I don't like hot environments, just like what I mentioned. I don't like and will never ever like lairs. I Despise them. I think that's enough. Actually there is more bu-

~Ding Dong~


I stood up from the sofa.

I look into the peephole.


I immediately opened the door.

"CHIM CHIMM!!" I jumped on him.

"Y/NNNN!!" He hugged me tightly but I didn't get off him.

"Where have you been???"

"First of all, can you get off me please."

"No can do, close the door pleasee."

"Ughh, finee."

Jimin closed the door with me hanging on him. "Y/N, you do know that you're pretty heavy right?"

I laughed. "There's a reason for a sofa don't you think."

Jimin didn't say anything and just walk to the sofa like a penguin. Sitting, I stayed on his lap facing him. The position isn't awkward for us considering the fact that we lived together for years. #Friendshipgoals.

"Now, answer my question. Where have you been?"

"Hanging out with my friends. You always ask Y/N."

"Alright, alright. I just want you to be safe Chim." I patted his head giving him a hug.

"So... How was your first time in detention? You've never been there." He asks curiously. We've never been to detention before. "Horrible." I replied. "I'm not surprised." Jimin chuckles. "At first only." "What do you mean? Did you meet anyone new?" Jimin asks again.

"Yeah, so at firs-" I was cut off by the sound of clapping in in face.

"HAHAHAHA, People of the Universe, Y/N finally found a new friend."

"Wait.. What? We're not friends, we just talked okay Jimin. You need to chill your ass off boii."

"Wait.. So you didn't make any friends?"

"I honestly don't know how to describe it, but- Ughh, just listen to my story first alright Chim."

So, I told him everything not leaving any details including how I offended Taehyung. He laughed so hard when he heard me saying how I didn't want to di- because of heart attack that I feel of his lap but still sitting back.

"AHHAHAHAHA! Oh my gosh, Y/N. I wouldn't know where to put my face anymore if I were you." he laughed.

It's cute.

But annoying asf because he's laughing about MY humiliating story. He wasn't even trying to make me feel better. No, scratch that. He didn't even understand how I felt.

"YAHH, CHIM! Stop laughing or I'll whoop your face and stick on your Jibooty."

"Then people will fall for my butt more." he pouted.

"That's the point."

~Ding Dong~

It's almost 10.

Someone else? Who could it be?


A/N . Do you like it? I think it's pretty short, maybe I'll try to make it longer, writing is hard. Seeing that people read this actually makes me happy. Thank you so much! I'm also sorry for any grammatical errors or any misspelled words :)

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