Chapter 3

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Nice, this is the first time in my whole life I've been in detention and I'm already starting to not like this. It's terribly HOT and I really do not like hot environments. I can get really out of mood and start screaming. For a matter of fact, being in a over-hot environments can actually make you die of heat stroke. How do troublemakers live here. First, you have nothing to do. Second, they don't even allow you to sleep. Third, how in the fudging fudge is this place so empty?! Is it just not my day??? There is no one. Weird? Super. Everytime I pass this room, I could literally see a market of bad students either making out with each other or fighting with each other. Do you know the record of teachers that had to keep an eye on them? 11 and they still don't know how to keep their dignity. I don't even think they had it in the first place.

What happened?


"Y/N!", someone called.

I turned around and that was something I regretted. I'd still rather turn around though or else...

"Uhmmm, Y/N, I think you're in trouble.", said Heerin.

"Oh ow, Y/N. Better watch your back. Your parents would kill you here, right now if they find out." Jimin look scared.

Who would have known that Principal Lee would've heard about whatever I said this quick. Right... That son of a gun.

I stood up.

"Yes Principal Lee??"

"Office NOW!"


"What am I gonna do with you?"

"What is it Principal Lee?"

"Stop acting like you don't know what you 'said'. How disrespectful of you to say that a student should slide in my DMs. Do your parents teach you any manners?" she asked with an angered tone still trying to keep calm.

I kept quiet.

They barely even have time to spare their love, again about manners.

"Look, I'm sorry if I offended you. I know you give your best for the school grades but it doesn't suit your manners. If you keep this up, I may have no choice but to suspend you."

Suspend me? I think you should go to church for being such a hypocrite. You tell us to think before we speak but look. at. that. and it's not like I want good grades but it's to keep my image. Scratch that. It's for my parents. I still want to meet Jimin and Heerin which are the only reason why I kinda enjoy school.

"It's alright Principal Lee and I'm sorry for misbehaving. I'll try not to repeat that again."

"Thank you for your understanding Y/N but to remind you, there are still consequences for every mistake. You need to go to detention, an hour." she smiled.

Wow. Now would you take a look at that.

I just bowed and left.


Yup! That's what happened. It's amusing. No sarcasm. Promise.

Out of Jupiter, someone decided to barge into the detention room without closing to door.

"Kim Taehyung, would you mind closing the door please?", asked the teacher kindly.

This 'Kim Taehyung' guy didn't not reply nor spare a single glance.

The teacher had to stand up and walked out the door, closing it.

"Thank you and I actually have to go for a meeting so stay here" he said sarcastically walking out the class.

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