Chapter 50

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I took the liquid on the metal pole with me a jump onto Jisoo's figure. "Jisoo-ahh, it's been so long!!" I hugged her, trying my best not to get the tubes on my hand get all tangled up.

I pull away from Jisoo, getting a close look at her. "Hey, why does your eyes look different? Did you cry-"

"Hold up a sec, you guys know each other already?" Jin asks.

Nodding my head vigorously, I respond, "She's one of my closest friend back in middle school. I saw her around more than a week ago. I can't believe I'm seeing her again today!" I move my gaze from Jin and back to Jisoo respectively. 

"I didn't know you got into a car crash, how could you!" she scans myself for any abnormalities as I just smile at her worrying about me. "What in the world happened?!" she screeched, my ears almost deaf.

I grinned, "Just saved a person or so."

Almost immediately her face scrunches, "Since when do you save someone from a car crash especially when you're afraid to di-" she covers her mouth. I chuckle and take her hand off her mouth, "I'm fine now. I'm okay." I tell her.

Her eyes narrow, "What do you mean you're fine?" she glares throughout my skull. "I'm not afraid anymore. You can say it and I'll be fine." As her face brightens, she pulls me back into a hug, "Don't you dare tell me such a beautiful lie!" I shake my head no.

I feel her head move slightly, she pulls away. "And why is the bad guy here...? Is there something going on here that I am not aware of?" she puts her hands on her hips, resting them there.

"Bad guy?" Taehyung impugns. "I'm her boyfriend, just for your information."

Jisoo instantly scoffs, "Give me three reasons why you think you're her boyfriend." she challenges Taehyung. I was about to stop the childish-like interaction but Taehyung just found his ways to stop me.

"Firstly, she loves me, she told me just yesterday." he started.

"Secondly, we kissed-"

"That's nothing-" Jisoo tried to butt in.

"A LOT of times, like this." all that I know, he suddenly turned my head to my right, attaching his lips with mine making me unconsciously melt into his control. I realized that Jin and Jisoo were watching, I quickly pulled away. "See?" Taehyung says. I just hang my head, blushing in embarrassment.

Taehyung sent me a wink before stating the last reason, "Last but not least," he looks at me. "If you ask her and she says my boyfriend then that means I'm not her boyfriend. Whatever she says is the opposite."

I was in total bewilderment.

"Go ask for yourself." Taehyung says. Wait, why am I the one confused here? Now I don't know how to answer the question. What if I say something wrong and our relationship becomes wrong as well? Jesus, I don't even know why I'm in love with this man.

Jisoo shifts her gaze at me now, I almost instantly feel under pressure. "Y/N?" she calls. I awkwardly smile at her, not knowing the correct answer. I glance at Taehyung, making sure he understand that I have no idea how to handle this situation. He just shrugs.

This man.

Whatever I say is the opposite, right?  If I say he isn't my boyfriend, then wouldn't it mean that he is my boyfriend? but it shouldn't be that easy, no?

It took me a minute or so, their gaze still making me feel exposed.  I ended up with one answer, "He is my boyfriend and will always be nevertheless his condition, I will not say something so relevant be mentioned under any condition." that's the answer I have for them. 

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