Chapter 37

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Okay, so right now, I'm currently in bed after that 'cutie' said I wouldn't survive. Like hell I would- No, don't say it. I can't even think about it now. Life isn't going to go easy on me now. Jimin hasn't been back in like forever. What's taking him so long?

On the other side, this random guy that kissed me keeps on looking at me. It's getting creepy. He keeps on saying that he's my boyfriend when I don't even remember anything about him. He's like a stalker. He's lucky he's friends with my Chim Chim or else, he'll already be dead by now.

Currently staring at my beautiful features, I mean, who doesn't like a confident queen? He walks to me. "Do you need anything, are you hungry or thirsty? I can get you something you want." he asks.

Oh right, he also keeps on checking on my condition. Maybe he is my boyfriend.

I shake my head. "No, I'm not. But there is something I want you to do though."

"Say it." he dares.

"Can you please stop staring at me, it's so scary I think I'm going to have nightmares tonight." I say.

His face immediately turns into an offended look. "Are you serious?!" he shouts. "We were okay, suddenly you're acting like you don't know me? I can't believe you Y/N."

"Uh, uh. I don't get you Mr. Kim Taehyung. I really don't know who you are and I can't just believe what you're saying is true especially from a stranger." I speak calmly not wanting to intrigue his anger anymore.

"I'm really your boyfriend! We just dated for a day. No! Less than 24 hours and you already don't know who I am." he scoffs. "I know you're pretending because there is no way in hell that you only don't remember me when I'm the one that has been with you right before you became unconscious." I rolls his eyes.

I furrow my eyebrows. "Oh really? Then you might have the perfect explanation to why I'm here right now and what actually happened before I became unconscious don't you?"

He stays silent. "See? You're the one lying here Mr. Gorgeous. Stop acting like You're my boyfriend and get your ass out of here."

"I swear if you already remember who I am, you're so going to suffer just like how you made me." He said as he grits his teeth trying his best to control his anger. "Just know that I'm doing this for your own good." he says before he leaves the room.

I shake my head displeased. Then, the door opens wide greeting me with 3 people that I know.

"I see you've finally came. What took you so long?" I asked Jimin.

"Oh come on, it wasn't that long."

"You took half an hours to talk to some doctor Chim Chim, you sure that ain't long?"

"Alright alright children. Calm your butts down." the doctor laughs before continuing. "We were choosing on whether or not we should help you get your memories back or not. Like some kind of therapy. What do you say?"

I nod my head vigorously. "Of course! I don't think that's a question anymore."

"But, there might be a problem." he warns.

Of course, there must be a 'but' in every solution.

"But what?"

"But it might give you a hard time to remember and you head might hurt a lot and that isn't even the beginning. Because you have this, uhmm, 'sickness'," he air-quotes. "You might feel very scared to the fact that you don't realize you're screaming and destroying the things around you in order to make yourself feel safe. Are you sure about this?" he asks after he explains the side-effects.

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