Chapter 28

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It was a huge diner, so beautiful and luxurious. This is gonna be expensive. Inside was gold, we could hear the clinging of utensils and people talking with their partners. Yup, literally almost everyone here are on a date, looks like. Instinctively, Taehyung intertwines his fingers with mine. He knows. I look up at him, he was already smiling at me mouthing 'Let's just play along'. I nod my head. Wait, what about He-Heerin and Jimin? I look back. Perfect timing. Jimin hold Heerin's hand. I'll be praying so that she doesn't explode today.

A woman that looks in her mid-twenties walked up to us. Heerin told the woman that she's made a reservation, the woman leads us to a spot next to the window. The seating arrangement was two by two. We take our seats and order.

"This spot is perfect, Heerin! The night sky's just right for tonight. You're still the best arranger I know." My eyes sparkle in amaze.

"I know right, there was only one spot left so I took the risk. I'm glad if you guys like it."

We had a small talk about random things. A few minutes before the food arrived, me and Heerin got up to the restroom. The time we came back, food was already served. I, of course, sat beside Taehyung. I wish I can call him min- Stob it!

I look at Taehyung before I start eating. How didn't I notice his expression before? He looks... bothered? But by what? Maybe, Jimin? This time, I look at Jimin, he's smiling? Ughh, boys are so fucking confusing.

Under the table, I snake my hands through to hold his hands. He blinked a few times the look at our hands. I smile at him, he smiles back. Just like that, we start to eat our dinner.

"This is so fucking delicious~" I comment.

"I know right. Should we go back here some time Y/N?" Jimin asks me.

"There's no reason not to." I say accepting his offer.

I suddenly felt Taehyung's hand hold me tighter. Hmm? He looks tense? I have to ask him.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I whispered. Jimin and Heerin were in their own conversations, they won't notice. "He shakes his head and exits to the toilet. What is up with him?

I shrugged it off turning to talk with the rest of the two. A few minutes later, he came back with a smile. A fake one. I didn't want to annoy him too much so I acted like I didn't see it. Done with our meal, we take our leave back to the car.

The night drive was so perfect. Taehyung opened up the covers. The cold wind blows against our faces. I love the night. It brings peace to me, like all my problems are going to vanish on its own. It didn't take long until we reach back home. We bid our goodbyes and enter our house. I wash my face and change into a tee with some shorts. Too lazy to redo my hair, I jump on the  bed with my purse on my lap. I stuff my hands searching for my phone. It was already pretty late. My phone screen lit up. It was a message from Taehyung.

"Goodnight Y/N<3"

I replied back. I did my night routine, changing into my night wear and hop on my bed. Heerin haven't come inside yet so I go to Jimin's room to find her. It was just across my room, I opened the door and oh my did I just see that.

"Am I interrupting something?" I smiled as I close the door behind me with my arms on both sides of my hip.

Heerin opened the covers from her awkwardly and Jimin gets off of her. "No! That wasn't like what you saw. We were just having fun."

Jimin just nods at his best friend's statement. "Then tell me, what kind of fun makes a guy on top of a girl? Excuse me, but what kind of fun are we talking about here?"

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