Chapter Fourteen: Deadly Duo

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"Which one do you want to fight?" Sesshomaru asked.

"The fifth one." Nayumi smiled.

"I should have known that you would choose the strongest." Sesshomaru scuffefd.

"If you're scared then you can stay." Nayumi teased; something was wrong about this demonic presence. From a distance, she didn't realize it, but this presence was familiar. She still wasn't close enough to recognize it.

        "Are you coming?" Sesshomaru asked; snapping her from her thoughts. She hadn't realized she had stopped.

"It's not that this demon is the strongest out of the oes around, I want to fight it because it's been following me the longest." Nayumi said; catching up.

"Yes. I've felt it every night since meeting you. It never gets close." Sesshomaru said; realizing she was right.

"Huh!" she gasped; realization hitting her. Without a word she broke out into a sprint; drawing her sword as she ran.

        it's him. The one who killed my Aunt and Uncle in front of me. Nayumi thought; remembering the attack on her village. The one that Naraku was responsible for. 

        "Where do you think you're going!" Nayumi yelled as she felt the presence moving away from her. She was a human, but her speed was unnatural.

"Not so fast." she grunted as she jumped in the air; doing a backflip over him and landing right in front of the demon.

"So it really is you. The Slayer Priestess. The very same human I killed years ago." the demon said; face contorting into a snarl.

"You're stupid for following me. I had placed all my anger on Naraku and hadn't thought of coming after you." Nayumi said; ready to pounce. She saw Sesshomaru walk out from the trees, but did not reall acknowledge him.

"So you're travelling with a demon now?" he asked.

"He saved my sister and she's travelling with him. I'm merely visiting." Nayumi said; voice a low growl.

"You know this demon?" Sesshomaru asked.

"Yeah, and be careful. He's got a partner that's almost as strong as him. He's close. I can feel him." Nayumi warned.

"Neither of them are a threat." Sesshomaru said coldly.

"This one's mine. I got  personal business with him. The other one too, but not as much." Nayumi said; digging her feet into the dirt. When she was ready, she lunged forward; sword in front of her.

        Sesshomaru watched as the slayer fought. She was handling things without much trouble, so he had no intentions of interferring. He noted that she was skilled not only with her sword, but with her body. Even when the demon had her sword immobile, she would simply revert to using her hands or legs. 

"Sesshomaru? Lord of the Westernlands?" a voice asked from behind him.

"Do I know you?" he asked; not bothering to turn around.

"Stop watching your human mate and prepare to fight." the demon demanded.

 "You are not worth my time." Sesshomaru said.

"I am Umoni, demon of fire! I am more than worth your time!" Umoni yelled.

"Never heard of you." Sesshomaru said; not even turning his head.

"You wretch!" the demon yelled; charging Sesshomaru. With a sigh, Sesshomaru released his poison whip. The simple motin beheaded the dmeon, and it's body was covered in flames. When the flames died the demon was no longer there.

"Umoni!" the demon the slayer was fighting yelled.

"I am you opponent! Not him!" Nayumi said; stepping in front the demon.

"Know my name. I am Arochimaru. I will be your death." he said to Sesshomaru, then disappeared.

        "Dammit!" Nayumi said; punching a tree. "He got away. Again." Nayumi continued to punch the tree until her hand hit something soft. When she looked up she saw it was Sesshomaru's hand. She couldn't help but laugh. She thought she had merely hit a patch of moss because it hadn't moved, but seeing that it was Sesshomaru's hand made her feel oddly weak.

"Why are you laughing?" Sesshomaru asked.

"I hit your hand and it didn't budge. I didn't even hit softly." Nayumi shook her head in disgrace.

        He is strong. I see why Kikyo wants me to fight with him. Nayumi thought. 

"We should get back to the farm." Sesshomaru said; disappearing in the trees. Nayumi followed behind, slowly. She was looking at the ground and not paying any attention, so she ended up running into Sesshomaru.

"Umph." she grunted from the impact, "Walk much?" she asked then realized why he had stopped. They were surrounded. At least fifty demons. Maybe more.

        "Good. I'm still itching to kill vermon like you." Nayumi said; not bothering to unsheath her sword. She held three blades in each hand. One between each finger. Sesshomaru did not draw his sword either, but his nails glowed a pale green color.

"Shall we?" Nayumi smiled; placing her back against his. Her stomach didn't drop at his touch this time, but she still did not know if she would be able to fullfull Kikyo's wishes.

        Nayumi and Sesshomaru were deadly together. Neither pulled a sword, but they cut the demons down quickly.

"78." Nayumi scuffed.

"What?" Sesshomaru asked; shaking blood off his hands.

"That's how many demons there were." Nayumi laughed.

        "Hate to admit it, " she said when he never replied, "but we make a good team."

"Indeed." Sesshomaru replied.

"Look, if I'm going to be travelling with you-" she started.

"I wasn't aware that I invited you." Sesshomaru replied; a smirk playing at the corner of his lips.

"As if I  need one. Rin travels with you, so you're stuck." Nayumi shrugged and continued walking to the farm.

        When she wasn't looking, Sesshomaru actually smiled.

Very well, slayer. You were always free to follow me. Sesshomaru thought, then followed her to the village.

A Demon's Curse: Inuyasha FanFictionsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora