Chapter Four: Unexpected Reunion

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        "SIT BOY!" Nayumi heard off in the distance.

"AHH! Why?" she heard Inuyasha groan.

"Guess I'm getting close." Nayumi laughed to herself.

        It had been a few weeks since her night in the hut, and she hadn't seen Rin again. Instead of tearing the country side apart looking for her; she decided to hunt down Inuyasha and his friends and see if they had any information on Naraku.

        "Sir, can you help me?" Nayumi asked a farmer as she got to the edge of the village.

"What do you need, slayer?" he asked; recognizing her outfit.

"Has a monk come trhough here with a group of friends?" she asked.

"Why yes, a good think too!" the farmer said with a smile, "He's going to exorcise our village." 

"Is he now." she scuffed, "Where are they staying?" 

"The Headmaster's house." he said, then gave her directions.

        "Up to your dirty tricks again?" Nayumi laughed; leaning agianst the door frame.

"When did you get here?" Kagome asked.

"I heard you." Nayumi laughed, "I see he's still in a bad mood. So what did he do this time?" 

"Nothing! I didn't do anything!" Inuyasha snapped. 

"I'm sure you've been a good boy." Nayumi laughed. 

"You looking to fight?" Inuyasha asked. 

"Itching to." Nayumi sneared in response. 

"Why do you two always fight?" Sango asked. 

"Unlike you, she doesn't like any demon." Inuyasha scuffed. 

"I like Shippo." Nayumi smiled. 

"You can't count him as a demon." Inuyasha replied. 

"He's more demon than you, half-breed." Nayumi countered. 

"Okay! So what brings you around?" Kagome asked; changing the subject. 

"Any news on Naraku?" Nayumi asked. 

"We heard Bankostu wants to make you his wife." Inuyasha laughed. 

"Just like Koga wants to make Kagome his." Nayumi replied without looking at him, but her voice was cold. 

"He's human." Inuyasha teased. 


"You two cut it out!" Kagome snapped.

"She started it." Inuyasha grumbled.

"And finished it." Nayumi said.

"Nothing new on Naraku. We're going to check out Mount Hakurei today." Miroku said.

"So how do you think he is managing to stay inside the barrier?" Nayumi asked.

"That's what we're going to find out. We know he's in there, but we don't know where." Miroku answered.

"Why are you telling her all this. She's only goin to get in the way." Inuyasha said, "I can still smell the blood on her." 

"I'm not wearing this outfit for kicks, ya know. I still do my job. Sometimes I get cut." Nayumi snapped. 

"You keep ripping those stitches and your shoulder will never heal." Inuyasha replied. 

"It's fine. Hardly a scratch." Nayumi curled her lip as she spoke. 

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