Day 136

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Surrender your life to God. He will give you abundant peace, joy, and love and He knows what's best for you because He knows what's going to happen. But surrendering your life to Him is hard and it means you need to cut out anything that does being glory to Him. Surrendering means everything, your problems, your resources, your lifestyle, everything. Jesus gave His life to free you from your sins and we still struggle giving everything up to Him so that we can live a better more abundant life. When you surrender everything to Him then you have nothing to worry about because you're living out His plan for you and that will lead you to have a good, abundant life. That doesn't mean all your problems will be solved or that you have everything easy but it does mean that you will be full of love, joy, peace, and hope as you walk through life and that is what will make it good. By surrendering to God you are giving Him control of your life He can already do whatever Hw wants but He gives you free will. Surrendering to Him is not you giving up your free will, it's you making choices that line up with God and following His rules for your life.

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