Day 110

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God is a god of justice and forgiving us doesn't mean we won't face consequences for our sins it means that our sins won't keep us from brim with God. Jesus died to forgive us of all our sins after we repent. Meaning after we tell God we're sorry and do our best not to do that anymore. Every time we mess up we should pray to God and apologize for sinning. It doesn't end there though you should see what you can do to make what you did right and then learn your lesson and do your best not to sin anymore. There will be a time when you have to answer for everything you've done in your life just like everyone else will be held accountable for what they've done. We want those people to receive punishment for when they've hurt us so it's fair that we will be punished for when we hurt others. But what you do isn't what gets you into Heaven. God's forgiveness gets you into Heaven if you love Him it has nothing to do with how good you acted on Earth.

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