Day 90

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One of my friends was asked to pray and started with, "Hey Lord," then he countries talking to God like he actually knew Him. A lot of the times when we pray we pray a planned structured prayer that you were taught and it has no or little meaning behind it. You say the words but you've said them so many times they have lost their meaning. Next time you pray try telling God all about your day, tell Him where you messed up, where you saw others struggling, what you are glad was part of your day, and what happened. Yes God was with you through your your entire day and knows what happened but He likes to hear it from you and it grows your relationship with Him. Prayer is one of the most important parts of Christianity because that's when we talk to God and you can't have a relationship with someone you don't talk to. When you pray the same thing over and over again it get meaningless just like if you only said good morning, I love you, and goodnight to your friends. At first it was special but now it is just a meaningless routine.

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