Day 112

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Imagine how you would feel if a Muslim or someone from another religion asked you to go their worship service or gave you their religious book. That's probably pretty close to how the people you try tell Christianity to them a lot of the time. It's awkward and can be annoying. I'm not telling you not to spread the word about Jesus I'm just saying you do need to be careful how you talk about it. If you feel called to witnessing for God, great, if you don't that's completely ok too people are called to different things. That doesn't mean you get out of witnessing for your faith though, be prepared to tell people why you believe in God and how it's changed your life. Witnessing is one of the hard parts about following God for me, I have a hard time talking about God because I don't want to offend anyone, accidentally ruin their relationship with God, and honestly I'm afraid of how they're going to think of me after I share my faith. But God is always with you and He will give you the words to say and what they think of you doesn't matter.

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