Day 152

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Sometimes you think something is meant to be. It seems like part of God's plan and you've been hoping for something like it to happen to you and it just feels right. Sometimes those things are part of God's plan for you and it's wonderful. Other times those things weren't really meant for you at this time or maybe ever. You might think it will be really good and then it isn't what you thought it was, or it might get taken from you by somebody else and then they get to enjoy and you don't. Sometimes life doesn't go the way we plan and that's ok. Even when nothing makes sense or you lost something you were sure was part of God's plan He is still there walking you through each day. He has a plan for your life and it will end with you meeting Him. Don't worry about the bumps on the way just keep trusting in Him even when you don't understand the way the plan is going at all. He will make a good path for you and the trials will teach you lessons and help you grow stronger and closer to God.

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