2. First Sight

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"This is so cool!" I squealed, looking around. Our small limo had dropped us off at the inside of the festival. Luckily, the sun was shining in the sky and it was really warm. This meant that the ground was dry instead of muddy. I could see a few stages in sight and there were a lot of stalls where you could win prizes. There was also a bazillion tents. Fortunately, we weren't staying over night so we didn't have to rough it in a tent. I walked over to the nearest sign post and saw the acts that would be performing. All my favourites, Taylor Swift, Avril Lavigne, The Vamps and MCFLY! I squealed even more, smiling at the poster. My brother looked over at what I was over-reacting at and rolled his eyes.
Soon enough another car rolled up next to us. Out walked a family with all the members exactly the same age as we were. "Willow!" I screamed at my best friend. Her whitish-blonde hair bopped up and down as she came hopping over to me and we hugged.
"I'm so excited!" She squealed like I had done. We were a pair of squealers. My mum and Willow's mum, Alex, had gone to the same school when they were younger and instantly became best friends. Me and Willow followed in their footsteps.
"Skye Evelyn Young" Alex, Willows mum, smiled at me and pulled me into a grip.
"Hi Auntie Alex" I laughed.
Willows brother, Sebastian (Seb) pulled down his sunglasses, giving the place a once over. "Not bad" he smirked. He has the same hair as Willow but a stronger jawline.

Around half an hour had passed of chatting and my mum finally spoke. "Ok, I'm giving you kids some freedom today." She breathed. "I'll let you go off all day and do whatever you want under one condition" all of us sighed. "You have to be back here by nine pm". I could do that. That wasn't so unreasonable. "And by the love of happiness, try to not get lost" she huffed. We all cheered. I jogged over to my mum and kissed her on the cheek.
"Love you mum". And with that, me and Willow went off to join in the festivities of the festival.


It was a few hours later and now one in the afternoon. We'd watched a few acts on stage including Katy Perry and Maroon 5. We had declared that we were hungry, like we always are and went to get some ice cream as we were baking in the summer heat. The queue was huge. We were waiting at the end of it and we heard some act singing in the distance.
"Ugh I can't be bothered waiting" Willow whined.
"Just a few more minutes" I comforted her, running my hand through my hair trying to get it off of my face.
Willow started giggling. "What is it?" I asked her. She was wide-eyed and a big smile had formed on her face.
"A guy's looking at you Skye, and it's not just any guy" she grinned and spun me around. I looked over to where she had been staring and there certainly was a guy looking at me. I gasped. "Oh-Ohmygosh"


So guys, I haven't really heard any opinions yet and I'd love to hear them. I don't know if you guys enjoy it or not? Please comment your opinion :) it would really really help me. Thank you so much!

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