6. Front Page News

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*Beep beep beep beep*

My phone was buzzing which caused alarm to me, even if it was ten in the morning. I'd overslept after the exhaustion of yesterdays awesomeness. I checked my phone to see who had woken me and forgave the person after seeing the contact. Dougie Poynter. I read the message 'Morning ;) xxxxx' I nearly had a mental breakdown. Five kisses! FIVE! I squealed in my bed and kicked my legs. I was now awake. I leaned forward and started to message him back. 'Morning :) You woke me -.- xxxxx' I wondered whether to put the extra kiss. What the hell! It's not every day that you're texting Dougie Poynter. I added the sixth kiss and sent it before I could change my mind. His message came back almost immediately 'Soz (queue poop emoji) I wanna see you. Come to the park near Starbucks :( xxxxxxx'. That's right SEVEN KISSES!

'Kay. I'll be there in a couple of hours xxxxxxxx'

'See ya there ;) xxxxxxxxx'

With that I left the messages and panicked. I had two hours to get ready! I ran to my en-suite and showered.

I stepped out of the shower with a towel wrapped around me and sat down on my white chair and looked in the mirror. I huffed. What to do with my hair? I decided on drying it and then putting it into a messy bun. I walked into the room with my clothes in and walked around, looking at all of the shelves. I picked up a few clothes and tried them on. Finally, I wore a Don't Go With The Flow grey crop top, dark jean shorts and black sandals. I applied natural makeup with some eyeliner and mascara and finally went downstairs for my breakfast. I had half an hour to eat and get to the park. I ate my usual Froot Loops.

"What are you in a rush for?" My mum asked with her eyebrow raised. She was still in her purple dressing gown.

"I'm going meeting Dougie" I murmured with my head down, trying to hide my blush.

My mum raised both of her eyebrows now and smiled.

My dad put down the newspaper he was reading. He never read newspapers.

"Why are you reading that?" I asked him, trying to change the subject.

"Oh-um-erm, no reason". It looked like somebody else was trying to change the subject as well. He put the newspaper on the floor behind the couch that he was sitting on but I swiped it up. Front page news. 'Dougie Poynter Turns Frown Upside Down At V-Fest. There was a picture of him up on the stage, beaming. I also noticed a smaller picture of me in the right bottom corner with the caption 'Dougie Poynter was found smirking and smiling at V-Fest yesterday with Skye Young, daughter of Robert and Rose Young.'

I gasped. "Crap". I flicked through the newspaper and there were more pictures of me and Dougie together, even one with his arm around me. I scanned the page. 'New girl?', 'Happier than ever', 'Could they be the next Brangelina?'

This was ridiculous! The new Brangelina?! Who could beat Brangelina?!?!

I tossed the newspaper to the side and put up my hand to wave my mum and dad goodbye. They had worried faces.

"See ya" and I walked out the door and walked to the park.

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