16. His Family

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I came back in the house after Dougie had dropped me off from our unsuccessful skateboard tryout. I walked in and it was quite dark in the house. I could hear the TV playing loudly in the living room so I decided to see what was going on. I saw Tyler and Willow sitting together on the couch stuffing their faces with popcorn. The bowl was in the middle of them both. They had their eyes glued to the screen. They were having a Friends marathon from what it looked like. It was so nice to know that my brother had kept Willow company whilst I was gone. I felt like a terrible friend after leaving her when she was in that state. Sisters before Misters right? But she said it was ok to leave and she seemed to be having a good time now. I stole some popcorn and they started to attack me because I was in the way of the TV. I ran out of the room. I peeked back in and saw Tyler patting Willow's arm and laughing. "This bit's really funny". They paused for a second watching what happened and I saw them burst into laughter. In the morning I will try and thank my brother for cheering her up.
"Tyler?" I whispered.
"Yeah?" he grabbed another piece of popcorn from the bowl and put it into his mouth, not taking his eyes off the TV.
"Where's mum and dad?"
They laughed at something again on the TV and he answered "Mums in bed because she had a headache and wanted an early night's sleep and dad had to go to a meeting really late because there's some movie business that they want to start filming in the morning so they have to talk about it tonight".
"Ok thanks. I'm going to bed. Night you two" I waved.
They didn't take their eyes off of the screen again as they said "Night" to me and both went in for popcorn again.
I found it so nice how my brother had went to that effort just to cheer Willow up. My brother was two years older than me and Willow and was one of the best brother's ever. I've known Willow since we were both born because our parents were best friends too and my brother's best friends with her big brother Seb who's the same age as Tyler.
I clambered into bed, exhausted after that day and turned off my bedroom light as I went to sleep.
I woke up in the morning with my ringtone beeping, signalling that I had a call.
"Erro?" I asked like the most groggiest person alive.
"Hello? Is this Skye?" I heard a familiar voice ask.
I yawned "Yeah, shut up! I just woke up".
"Ok well you know that I've met your parents?" Dougie said slowly.
"Well, my mum really wants to meet you. And my sister".
"When?" I asked now waking up slowly.
"At eleven. They want lunch with you at their house. But come by here at half ten because we need to set off earlier to get there. Because they live in Essex remember?" He was saying it like that because I'd just woken up and I don't really think when I'm waking up.
"What time is it now?" I asked him, yawning again.
"Ten to Ten"
My eyes shot open. I only had fourty minutes to get ready and I was meeting Dougie's mum and sister.
"I've gotta get ready, see ya" I hung up quickly and ran to the shower. I can't believe I only had fourty minutes to get ready!
I showered for around ten minutes and then walked out and walked into my dressing room. I finally picked out an outfit. I decided in a white top with a now at the front and a pink blazer. I slipped on my ripped skinny denim jeans and matched the outfit with brown heels. To accessorise I took a snakeskin bag and pink feather earrings to match the blazer. I left my hair down but straightened it. I applied natural makeup because I didn't want to overdo the whole look. It was now twenty past ten. I had ten minutes to get over there.
I ran into my brother's room and he was still in bed. I threw his trainer at him and he woke up with a groan. "Wha-"
"I need you to take me to the band house".
"I'm sleeping" he murmured ducking his head back down into his pillow. I threw the other trainer.
"Fine!" He stood up and said "What time do you have to be there?"
"In ten minutes"
He sighed. "Guess I don't have time to change"
And so we left the house, one of us ready and changed, the other one in pajamas and a bed head. We got into the car and he rested his head for a few seconds on the steering wheel. He widened his eyes, brushed back his hair and began to drive to the band house. It's good that it's only ten minutes away isn't it?
"Thanks for yesterday" I smiled at my brother.
"What happened yesterday" he said looking confused.
"Willow, you looked after her".
He smiled back at me. "She's a nice girl, why wouldn't I look after one of my best mates, your best mate in fact?"
"Well thanks anyway. You seemed to cheer her up"
"It's ok, I enjoyed it".
After a pause I asked him a random question. "What do you think that you're going to do with your life?"
"Where's that come from?" He laughed at me.
"I just think about it sometimes. What would be your dream life?"
"Well," he began. "I'm already kind of living it. I have the best parents," I nodded at that "the funniest and awesomist little sister and I don't even care if awesomist is a word," I laughed at that. "I have really amazing best friends".
"What would you like in the future though?" I looked to my side at him now.
"Let's see, still my parents, baby sister and best friends. I'd want to probably be a singer but I want to do a bit of acting like dad does. I'd want a house with a wife and beautiful kids and to live happily ever after". He grinned at me.
"That's sweet" I smiled.
"What's your future then?"
I sighed. This was going to take a while. "I want to do everything. I want to sing a lot. And play loads of instruments. I want to have an amazing guy who's the bestest" I smiled there, thinking of Dougie. "I want to marry that guy" I sighed and my brother laughed shortly at me. "And I want two kids so that they can play with each other. And after that I'll see where the road takes me".
"What a coincidence? We're on a road" my brother gasped sarcastically.
"This road will lead us to my future" I acted. By chance we just so happened to stop outside of the band house just then. I blushed.
"Well that was creepy" my brother grinned. "Go have a good future though" he laughed at me and I clambered out of the car and knocked on the house door. Danny answered it. I'm guessing he was still in his pajamas because he wore pyjama shorts, bare feet and a white vest.
"Doug, Skye's here" he shouted. He was eating a piece of toast.
"That's gross" I wrinkled my nose.
"You're gross" he poked my arm and I laughed at his childish behaviour.
Dougie appeared at the door. "You ready?" He breathed. He then looked me up and down. "You look very...pretty". He smiled.
"What? Have I got toothpaste round my mouth? Why was there a pause between very and pretty?" I babbled panicky.
"No, no nothing's wrong. I just thought that you'd go all hyper on me if I said beautiful so I changed the word" he shrugged.
Danny made gagging noise in the background pretending to be sick.
"Shuddup" Dougie blushed and it was so cute! He grabbed my hand and shouted back to the door. "We're going, tell the others".
"Good, I don't want to hear any of your lovey talk ever again, ok Doug?" Danny shouted back.
One whole hour had now passed in the car and we still had another half an hour to go. We were going to Corringham in Essex were Dougie's mum and sister lived so it was a pretty long drive. I had my feet up on the ledge at the front of the car and had my eyes closed and listened to my music through my earplugs. Dougie had his eyes set on the road. I thought about what could happen. The worst case scenario was that his mother would hate me and his sister would too and I'd have to be removed from his life. Thinking about that just made my heart ache. That could never happen. I wouldn't let that happen.
"You ok?" I heard a voice over my earplugs which were now playing Dirt by Florida Georgia Line.
"Yeah" I mumbled and looked the other way.
"You're not. What's wrong?" He pressed.
"What if they don't like me?" I turned to him now.
He took the earplugs out of my ears. "Why wouldn't they like you?"
"Oh I don't know, maybe because I'll make a bad impression and they'll think I'm awful, and I can't skateboard" I frowned and looked at my lap. Water was coming to my eyes now but I shoved them back.
"I don't think that they'll think that you're awful. They don't judge people like that" he smiled at me. "And don't worry about the skateboard thing. My mum and sister can't do that either" he winked. "Now" he picked up my iPod and plugged it into the car radio so that my music would be louder and we could both listen to it. However, Play My Music came on by the Jonas Brothers from the Camp Rock album. I blushed and looked away. I heard Dougie burst out into laughter.
"Why do you have this on here?"
"It's a good song" I shrugged.
He burst out laughing again.
We finally arrived at Dougie's old house. Where he used to live when he was a child. He'd told me that he hadn't been back here for three months and so his mum might make a big deal at the beginning. That's what mums do though. "And why haven't you been back in three months?" I put my hands on my hips and raised an eyebrow.
"Don't judge me! I haven't had time lately and I couldn't leave you" he winked and I rolled my eyes. He wrapped a hand around my waist. "Are you ready?"
I sighed and nodded. We slowly walked up the path and Dougie knocked on the door. There was a pause were Dougie gave me a reassuring smile. He still had his arm around my waist which was comforting. The door opened and it revealed a woman with blonde hair, blue eyes like Dougie's and a big smile.
"Dougie!" She hugged him and he hugged her back.
"Hey mum"
She pulled back from the hug and have him a critical look. "Why haven't you been around here? I was so worried!"
"Sorry mum" he blushed and looked down. "I've been really busy".
Dougie's mum looked up at me now. "Hello. You must be Skye. Dougie's talked about you over the phone a lot".
"Mum!" Dougie looked at her and went even redder.
His mother laughed and I joined in too. "Hi, Mrs Poynter" I smiled.
She stiffened at the name and relaxed a bit. "Just call me Sam honey, I don't take the name Poynter anymore" she smiled at me.
"Oh, I'm so sorry" I gasped. This is the time were I messed up.
"It's fine darling" she smiled at me and patted my arm. "Jasmine come downstairs. Dougie's home!"
A girl came running downstairs. She had light brown hair and she was really tanned. "Hi Doug" she hugged him.
"Hey Jazzie".
The girl turned to me and smiled. "Hey you're Skye".
"Hi, you must be Dougie's sister Jasmine" I said to her.
"Yep. But call me Jazz if you want. Dougie does" She turned to Dougie now. "And seeing as you're his girlllfriendddd" she teased him "You can call me that."
Dougie rolled his eyes. "You sound like you're three"
"At least I don't act like I'm three"
"Oh we know that" Dougie winked at his little sister.
"Mum, he made a dirty joke" she laughed.
This family were so funny. They all got on so well.
"Dougie?" His mum, Sam said.
"Will you do me a favour? Can you go to the shops for me?"
"Why?" Dougie whined. "I just got here! Why can't Jazzie do it?"
Dougie looked over at me. "Don't listen to anything they say"
His mum laughed. "You know me too well". Sam wanted Dougie to be gone to tell embarrassing stories. Finally! I'll have something to blackmail him with. She gave Dougie some money and he walked out of the door and got into his car.
"Walk, you lazy" Jazz shouted out the window. He stuck his tongue out at her and climbed back out of his car and went on a walk.
"It's time!" His mum said and Jazzie went upstairs and came back down with a book that looked like a photo album.
I laughed. "Yes! I can blackmail him now"
His mum and sister laughed at me. They opened up the book and the first picture was of a five year old Dougie at the beach. Let's just say, he wasn't wearing that much clothing. And by saying he wasn't wearing that much, I mean he wasn't wearing anything. I burst out laughing.
After half an hour of looking at embarrassing pictures of Dougie when he was a baby he arrived, just when I let out another burst of laughter.
"Awh no mum!" He groaned and walked over to us. Sam shut the photo album and smiled up at her son.
"Now come and help me unpack" she stood up and Dougie moaned but followed her into the kitchen. Before he shut the door he gave me a wink. I was now left in the room with Jazz.
"He always moans" Jazzie said to me rolling her eyes.
"I know. He just doesn't understand that us girls need to take care of our nails!" I giggled and she laughed.
"So how's it going with you two?" She smirked at me.
"It's good yeah" I smiled and looked down at my lap. It was really weird thinking that his sister had asked me how it was going with us two.
"He really likes you" she told me. I looked up at her.
"How can you tell?"
"There's this way he looks at you. Like, in his eyes. I've never seen him do that before. And I'm guessing that you really like him as well because you look at him the same way"
I grinned into my lap. I could tell that us two would get along.
"Can I please ask you something?" She said seriously.
"What is it?" I looked up at her.
"Please just don't break his heart. Frankie did that. He ended up in rehab and now he can't drink. You can't do that to him" she looked at me with worried eyes.
"Don't worry" I smiled at her sympathising. I had an idea how she'd be feeling. "I was hurt too by my last boyfriend. Really hurt. I would never do that to him"
She smiled at me and hugged me. "Thank you so much. I can't see him like that ever again". I hugged her back.
Me and Dougie were now back at my house. I'd exchanged phone numbers with Jazzie and had hugged Dougie's mum before leaving. It went really well if I do say so myself.
We were sat in the games room on the top floor of my house which also held mine and Tyler's bedrooms and bathrooms. In the far back of the room, there was a black leather couch that had a large TV hanging on the wall above a small wooden fire place. Black leather recliner chairs circled the TV and in one corner of the room it had a foosball table, snooker table and the air hockey table. In the other corner it had a big stereo system with musical instruments lining the sides of the stereo system. That part was my area with the TV. At the far end of the white coloured room it led into another room which was the cinema.
Me and Dougie were sat on the couch facing the fireplace and TV. It was four o clock and Dougie was staying for tea.
"Play me something" he said to me. We were lying on the couch, me facing him and him facing me on each sides of the couch. Our legs were all tangled up in one big leg mess.
"I don't want too" I blushed. It wasn't that I was stage fright but it was just embarrassing.
"C'mon. I won't laugh" he smirked at me. He was too irresistible.
"Fine" I huffed, I couldn't fight against the beautiful power of Dougie. If that made sense. I walked up to the guitar and brought it over to the couch. I sat down and sighed at Dougie. He imitated me and I frowned at him. He laughed and then I started to play the acoustic version of La La Land by Demi Lovato. I thought it described my situation perfectly.
"I am confident
But I still have my moments
Baby, that's just me"
"I'm not a supermodel
I still eat Mcdonalds
Baby, that's just me"
Dougie laughed at that. I carried on with the song and finally just forgot about my one man audience and went with the flow of the song.
"Some may say I need to be afraid
Of losing everything
Because of where I
Had my start and where I made my name
Well everything's the same
In the La La Land machine
Well I'm not gonna change
In the La La Land machine"
I finished off and opened my eyes again. Dougie was clapping and smiling at me. "That's was really good".
"Really?" I said confusedly. I'd never really heard myself sing before.
"Of course! You could go professional with that voice!"
"You're not just saying that because we're going out right?" I warned him.
"No! That was actually amazing! I can ring up our managers and get you all set if you want?"
This was moving way too fast. What was even happening?!
"I-I might leave it for a bit" I stuttered.
"Ok. But I'm not letting this go" he smugly smiled at him. I moved over to the other side of the couch where Dougie was and dropped the guitar on the floor. I wriggled in beside him. He turned to face me even though we were too squished. He wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed me. It was a warm kiss that turned a bit intense.
"Guys, tea's ready" my brother walked in. My brother! "Oh my God, my innocent eyes! My innocent eyes! My little sister. Don't do that ever again!" He walked out the room. My face turned a fierce red. That was the most embarrassing moment of my life. I saw Dougie giggling.
"It's not funny" I whined at him.
"It is, c'mon you have to admit it. Just a teeny bit" he made a small gesture with his hand. I giggled too.
Then I moaned again realising something. "We have to go and face him now"
"Eh, I'm hungry" he stood up and held out his hand.
"How can you be so calm about this?" I asked wondrously.
"Because it's not my brother. And it could be worse. It could have been your dad"
"Yeah you're right" I sighed. If my dad would have walked in... Well I'd be dead and so would Dougie.

We walked downstairs and found everybody already sitting at the table. I sat as far away from my brother as possible but that wasn't that far because the table was only set for five. Well, six if you counted the empty seat. I sat next to Dougie on the end of the table and faced my mum who was sat next to my dad, who was sat next to Tyler.
Through the whole of the dinner I didn't make eye contact with Tyler. It was too embarrassing. I talked to my parents.
When it was time for Dougie to leave I stood up from the table with him. My family said by to Doug but my brother just murmured it.
"How am I going to face him?" I sighed to Dougie.
"Just think that I'm going to make you a big star and it'll be fine" he shrugged and pulled me in.
"Ok" And I kissed him goodbye and he went on his way.
I walked back into the house, bumping into Ty on the way. I blushed.
"Can we just forget about it?" Tyler asked.
"Deal" I couldn't say quick enough.
"Just, don't do it again" he whined.
"I won't" I said quickly again and hurried up to my room. Today had been a very long day and I just needed sleep to take over. I was exhausted.

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