13. Confessions

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I was sat at home cross legged on the couch in my room. The couch had it's back to the balcony but the doors were right next to me. However it faced my bed. I had a pretty big room. I thought it was quite elegant as well. The room was a white with pink flowers theme. The wallpaper was white with pink flowers and the carpet was creme. I had a mirror that had big LED bulbs and it was also a makeup table. My guitar was in a corner of the room next to my bed. The bed was a double and was like the wallpaper, white with pink flowers and fairy lights hung from the very top of my walls. I had a room on the left that was my en-suite bathroom and the room on the right held all of my clothes/ shoes/ bags/ jewellery. That was a big room. The doors to those rooms were a light wood colour. I was sat on the couch that was white fabric material and had pink flowery cushions. Pictures of my friends and family were on the wall that I had took from my Polaroid camera. The balcony that was next to me was also big and wood. Except the wood was painted white.

I was sat on the couch next to the balcony with my legs up. My laptop was safely between my crossed legs and I had my earplugs plugged into the laptop. Don't tell Dougie but I was listening to Mcfly. I'd known them for a whole month now! I looked at the clock and it was eleven. I was quite tired so decided to get changed into my pajamas. These pajamas were a black tank top and Toy Story pajama shorts. Pretty cool, I know. I clambered into bed and fell asleep shortly.


A thudding noise woke me up. It was something hitting the balcony. I groggily stood up and looked at the clock. It was 2am. I groaned and opened the glass screen that was separating my room to the balcony.

"Wh-?" I started. The sight before me must have been the strangest that I'd ever seen. Dougie Poynter was shirtless and sat on the edge of the tree outside in the front garden trying to get to my balcony. Did I mention that he was shirtless? SHIRTLESS!! He wore grey pajama bottoms and his hair was a bit disheveled. The noise that I'd heard was the branch that Dougie was sitting on hitting my balcony.

"Dougie? Wha-? Shh! You'll wake my family" I was still dazed and groggy but I tried to help him onto my balcony. He shuffled along the branch and he jumped over landing with a soft thud.

"I thought I was gonna die!" He whispered to me with his eyes wide. I rubbed mine because I was still half asleep.

"Come in. What are you doing here at two in the morning?" I asked him.

He breathed heavily and his eyes turned wider. He stared deeply at me and I became aware of my appearance. I tried to comb through my blonde hair with my fingers and crossed my arms over my tank top.

"You might want to sit down" he whispered. I could barely hear him. I did as I was told and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him, now worried but still dazed because he was here in my room, shirtless, at two in the morning, when I was meant to be sleeping.

"Skye, I need to tell you something". He began pacing back and forth at the foot of my bed in front of me and he was biting his fingers. I noticed that he was shaking. I was getting worried now. What could possibly make him shake?

"Ok, so I'm just going to come out and say it" he breathed. "So I was in my room and I was trying to get to sleep but all I could think about is you. Just everything. Your smile, your laugh, the way you always blush but you try to hide it. The way you're always teasing me and stare when you think that you've said the wrong thing. So all of this stuff was running through my head and I couldn't sleep and I knew that I had to tell you. And I realised from the moment I met you" he looked directly at me. I looked back at him and my heart melted. His deep blue eyes. Had he just said all of that? Was this really happening?

"I love you Skye." Those words. Those words melted my heart. He just said them. He just said them to me. I couldn't breathe. He was still looking at me and I became conscious again.

"Y-you l-love me?" I stuttered, still a little confused. How could he love me?

He chuckled a bit now and stroked my cheek making me blush and my eyes were nearly spilling with tears.

"More than you'll ever know". My heart stopped again and then turned into overdrive. The tears spilled and everything was moving so quick. I stood up and stood closely to him.

"I love you too".

He smiled the biggest I'd ever seen him smile. His eyes didn't show and that toothy smile was there. I panted because I hadn't breathed in ages and then he slowly placed his hands around my waist. I placed mine on his shoulders and stood on my tiptoes. We stood there hugging for a minute and then his head moved to face mine. His hands slowly moved to my face. We looked in each other's eyes. He moved his face closer to mine and my heart went into an even more overdrive. He stopped there as if asking for permission and I waited for him to close the space. He did. And we stood there kissing for a very long time. His hands had moved back to my waist now. I knotted my hands into his hair and we just kissed. And that kiss was amazing. Better than any. Because this one had a spark and a meaning. I knew it this time. And so I kissed him more. Because I knew that he was the one. His hands gripped my waist and I jumped up onto him and laughed. He caught me and I wrapped my legs around him. We just laughed for a while at the whole situation and then we kissed again. I wasn't like some dirty pervy weird thing. That was not going to happen. I guarantee you. After a while he put me down back onto the floor and we sat on the the edge of my bed. This was definitely the best night of my life. We laughed for a while and made jokes. He laughed at how I was wearing my pajamas and I told him that he couldn't talk because he was still shirtless..... He even picked up my guitar and sang All About You to me. That set me off crying all over again. When it turned 4am we crawled into my bed under the soft covers and he wrapped me into his arms. There we just slept. I swear that's all. And I was so happy in that moment.

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