35. Sha La La

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"So how was your Christmas?" Mason Riley asked the boys. It was a McFly interview on the Mason Riley Show. Me and the McGirls were all sat together in the audience with others as cameras were surrounding the place, filming it to go on to TV. It was a live chat show.
Me and the girls sat comfortably in our seats. I was in between Georgia and Izzy and Giovanna was sat next to Izzy.
"It was amazing!" Tom gushed. He still couldn't get enough of Christmas. "We had lights and presents and our huge Christmas tree was up and-"
"Tom" Harry interjected. "Calm down".
The audience started to laugh. I saw Dougie looking over at me blushing and I felt my face go red too. I remembered our Christmas well.
"Well you guys have a live concert DVD coming out, right?" Mason asked, making sure he smiled at every one of them.
"Yeah it's going to be so epic!" Danny said excitedly, squirming in his seat.
"What does the DVD include Dougie?" Mason asked. Everybody knew that Dougie was the awkward one and didn't like to speak much in interviews.
"Um, well it has a lot of us jumping around and playing guitar on it?" He said, the end of his sentence sounding more like a question.
The audience laughed at Dougie and he joined in too, his awkward little chuckle joining in.
"So Dougie, how's everything going with you and Skye?" Mason began questioning him.
I mentally groaned. This was meant to be a McFly interview. Not one about me and Dougie.
"Yeah it's going good" he nodded, a small grin appearing on his face "It's going really good".
I felt a blush appear on my face as some people turned to look at me.
"Can you explain really good?" Pressed Mason, nudging Dougie.
Dougie had his head down but I saw a huge grin on his face. "I love her" he spoke. To the whole audience. To all of the people sitting at home, watching live. To all of the Galaxy Defenders. My heart thumped quickly.
I heard Dougie's awkward little chuckle again and I looked up at him. He was looking straight at me with a huge smile on his face.
I smiled back hugely to him too and the boys "awwed" next to him.
"Shut up!" He pushed them and they all started laughing.
"Well you heard it here first!" Mason smiled at the audience and the cameras. "Now, we have a challenge for you guys to do".
When the show had finished and a few more acts had been on the audience all stood up and we went backstage to meet the guys. I hugged Dougie as he brushed his hair out of his eyes.
"Hey" he smiled.
"I love you too" I murmured into his shoulder.
I felt him hug me tighter and say "C'mon" as we walked out of the studio. We all got a taxi back to the guys' house. When we arrived we all got out guitars and sat in the lounge together. We started to play them even though Georgia and Izzy weren't very good at it. Harry stuck to his drum pad thing. Eventually the guys said to Georgia and Izzy that they were free to leave if they wanted to which they couldn't be quicker at taking. They went into the kitchen to make lunch for all of us and Giovanna picked up a glockenspiel rather than a guitar. I did stick with my guitar as Dougie picked up his bass and Harry sat by his drum pad. Tom and Danny also picked up guitars. We all decided to write a song together for the rest of the day.
Eventually the song had been wrote and we were all eating lunch in the kitchen. We couldn't stop singing little bits from it.
When we had finished I had to leave because I needed to do some recording at the studio for my new album. That's right. Things had moved very quickly but I wasn't complaining.
I said goodbye to everybody as I met my brother outside in his car. Yeah, I still couldn't drive. I really needed lessons. When we arrived at the studio I waved bye to him and ran inside where I saw the studio. I squealed excitedly and went into the room that I was supposed to and recorded some of my own music.
Hey guys! I hoped you liked it. I thought that this one was a bit rubbish... Sorry. I'm feeling really ill! I'm off with a cold! It's probably bad karma for not updating. I'm so sorry! I hope that you enjoyed it and please comment your opinions! Thank you x

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