39. Fun and Games

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*2 Years Later*
"I can't get my arm over there!" Danny screamed in hysterics of laughter as he tried to get his arm over to the red circle.
We were all playing Twister and it was hilarious.
It'd now been three years since me and Dougie met and we couldn't have been happier. I'm was now nineteen and he was twenty-two.
My singing career had also taken off now, I'd made my first ever album and it had sold 2 million copies which I was ecstatic about.
We were in the band house with the rest of the band and the McGirls. We were all having a laugh.
I was spinning the board, Harry and Izzy were sat on the sofa watching a film and Gi was looking for the next Disney movie to put on as she was pregnant. Gi, Izzy and Georgia were all married now to their partners and I was so happy for them. Gi was also pregnant with her and Tom's first baby, they didn't want to find out what gender it was yet so kept on calling it Crumb. (I know Gi had Buzz before Georgia and Danny got married but let's pretend she didn't ;) )
Tom, Danny, Georgia and Dougie were all playing Twister. As Danny reached his arm over to get the red circle, his body collapsed and he fell on Tom who went stomach down on the floor.
"Awh Danny!" Tom moaned but he couldn't stop laughing. They all ended up in hysterics, including me as it was hilarious to watch.
"I want to play now!" I announced, joining in with the game.
"I'll sit out" Georgia said, still laughing.
"I'll be in charge of the board" Izzy smiled.
She span the wheel and said to Tom "Left foot, green" he easily enough put his left foot on green.
Izzy then said to me "Right arm, yellow"
After a few minutes we'd already managed to get all tangled up. I had nearly fallen on the floor, I was doing the crab position as Dougie was right next to me, balancing with his two feet down and one hand on a circle, his legs were wobbling. Tom had his hand through Dougie's leg that was on the floor and on to one of the circles whilst balancing with his foot on the floor and Danny was stood up a bit with his two hands and a foot on the floor and aiming his leg like a dog ready to pee with his other leg.
I saw Dougie collapse as his legs were wobbling so much and he started laughing. Tom managed to save himself before getting out of the game.
"Skye, left hand on blue" Izzy said to me and I tried to turn over to put my left hand on the circle but just ended up smacking my chin on the floor.
"Ow" I cried, giggling though.
That had Dougie in hysterics of laughter. He held his stomach and his eyes were watering. I stepped up and sat next to him.
"Some boyfriend you are" I tutted at him jokingly.
"I'm sorry" he pouted, trying to control his laughter and he kissed me on the cheek. We moved over to the fire and sprawled all over the rug. Our legs were all tangled up and I lent on his arm. It was warm and cosy by the fire. I let my eyes droop shut.
"Don't fall to sleep" Dougie warned me, even though his voice dragged so I could tell that he was tired too.
"I'm not, I'm just-I'm just resting" I yawned, still keeping my eyes shut.
After a few more games of Twister were over and another movie had been played, it was twelve O clock. I was staying over at the band house like I did most nights. My parents trusted me and loved Dougie so they were fine about it.
We'd put up a tent in the back-garden and were going to camp outside. Once Harry announced that we should go outside I ran upstairs to Dougie's room. I grabbed all of the duvets and pillows that I could handle and ran back downstairs, I saw Izzy going up as I came down. We all made trips upstairs to get the comfy things and snacks and drinks that we'd need.
Once we were ready we took everything outside and into the tent. It was quite a large tent as there were six of us, but we were all still squished together. As Gi was pregnant, she'd be sleeping inside with Tom were it was comfortable. I huddled next to Dougie in my sleeping bag and he was in his. I put my head on his chest and closed my eyes. Izzy was next to me and so was Dougie. In front of Dougie was Danny, who was next to Georgia, who was next to Harry.
"Noooo!" Danny moaned, throwing a pillow at me. "We're not sleeping yet!"
I sat up, propping myself on my elbows.
Harry opened a big bag of crisps and started to eat one.
"Pass me one Harry!" Izzy said to him.
He shook his head, grinning.
"Harry!" Izzy moaned, trying to get the crisp from him. She lunged for the bag and fell on Harry's chest. They ended up in fits of laughter.
"Truth or dare" Georgia grinned mischievously.
We all looked at each other scared. We were in for a rough night.
Eventually, after some extreme dares and revealing truths, we were all tired out. Sleep was taking its toll on us and our eyes began to droop. It wasn't long before we all heard Danny's snores. Georgia then followed after, falling asleep quickly. Harry and Izzy fell asleep ten minutes later but for some reason, even though I felt tired, I was still wide awake. My toes were frozen in my sleeping bag and I was shivering.
"Dougie?" I whispered just in case he was asleep. "Are you awake?"
"Yeah," he whispered back "What's the matter?"
"I can't feel my toes!" I nervously whispered to him and I heard him quietly chuckle. I saw him wriggling out of his sleeping bag and walk over to me.
"Shuffle up" he told me and I shuffled as best as I could. He clambered in the small sleeping bag with me and wrapped his arms around me. I lay with my head on his chest, my eyes drooping more and more.
"Are you feeling warmer now?" Dougie mumbled to me. I nodded, putting my head more into his chest as I fell asleep.
I woke up to another pillow in the face. I opened my eyes, still half asleep to everybody looking at me and Dougie and Harry grinning. He must have been the one who through the pillow. I realised that we were still in the same sleeping bag. I poked Dougie's cheek and he groaned.
"Wake up!" I whispered to him.
He woke up too.
"So" Harry smirked. "What happened after we fell asleep?"
Georgia started laughing.
"Nothing, I was just really cold" I groaned.
"Oh, yeeeeaaaaaahhhh" Danny kept on winking at me.
"I swear!"
"To be honest I don't really want to know" Izzy shook her head.
My mouth turned into an O shape.
"We're joking!" Georgia laughed.
"Yeah, you better be" Dougie warned them.
"C'mon, I want some breakfast" Harry said whilst clambering out of his sleeping bag.
We all went inside and sat at the breakfast bar. Tom and Gi were already up and were in the kitchen too.
"Morning!" Gi said to us cheerily.
"Morning" we all groggily said to her.
I saw Harry put some toast in the toaster and Dougie made himself a bowl of cereal.
When the toast popped up I grabbed them and put them on a plate for me. I grinned at Harry.
"That was my toast!" He said in disbelief.
I took a bite of the toast.
"Dougie!" Harry said in a high pitched voice. "Your girlfriend just stole my toast!"
I giggled as I smiled at Dougie innocently.
"Skye?" Dougie asked.
I huffed. "Fine, chill your beans, I'll make you some more toast" I laughed, bringing out some bread and putting it into the toaster.
We all sat down, eating our breakfast as Cocoa jumped up and down at our feet, trying to get some food. She wasn't a puppy anymore as she was two years old but she still got excitable. I have her a small piece of toast and it made her content.
After that the boys all went into the rehearsal room to practise and Izzy and Georgia went into the living room to watch a programme on the television. I sat with Gi, eating Nutella happily.
"Hey, Skye?" Giovanna said to me.
"Can I tell you something?" She asked me nervously.
"Yeah sure!"
"Well-" she paused. "I'm a bit scared of having the baby."
I giggled. "Gi, I think that every woman who's ever been pregnant has thought that. It's scary, so I've heard, but in the end you have a beautiful baby" I smiled at her.
She nodded. "I just think it'll be an amazing experience but I just don't want to go through all of the pain" she pulled a face.
I patted her back whilst getting another spoon of Nutella. "Try not to think about it, just do it when you get to the hospital".
She laughed at me. "You know what, you're right".
"I know, I'm always right" I said to her and I made her laugh even more.
"How about the time that you said that we were on the right train but it started heading in the opposite direction" she looked at me.
"Oh my gosh!" I exasperated. "That was one time!"
She laughed again and gave me a hug. "Thanks Skye."
I hugged her back "You'll be fine".
Hey guys! So the next chapter is the last one in this book :O I can't believe it! I planned this book out from chapter to chapter before I made it and I've been really looking forward to this one for some reason. Anyway, please comment your opinions! I love hearing from you!

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