14. Mornings

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*Beep Beep Beep Beep*

My alarm chirped and I opened one eye tiredly. It was 9am. I groaned and leaned back, squishing something.

"Ughhhhhh" the thing moaned. I swivelled around and saw Dougie facing me with one eye open. He looked groggy too. However, he smiled at me which I found adorable because his cheek was pressed against the pillow

"G'morning" he murmured tiredly and brushed back a piece of my hair.

My mouth turned into a huge smile as I remembered what happened last night, the confessions.


He wrapped his arm around my back and pulled me closer to him. He leaned in for a kiss but I wriggled away suddenly realising something. He had a hurt expression on his face, his eyebrows curving upwards. "Morning breath" I spoke and he huffed, laying back and facing the ceiling again. A smile crept up on his face and I got suspicious. He turned around to me and his fingers were in the crooks of my stomach. "Don't" I whined, now knowing what he would do.

"There's no stopping me" he smirked and started tickling me. I nearly cried with laughter but as I heard footsteps I shut up and Dougie stopped tickling me.

"You need to go" I hurried quickly and he just as quickly jumped out of the bed. But his foot got caught in the sheets and he tripped over. No time for sympathy so I took his arm and he jogged with me to the balcony.

"Not the balcony" he pulled a face.

"Oh yeah, I'm going to let you go through the front door" I said sarcastically. He groaned but reluctantly he threw one leg over so he was straddling the balcony. Like he was on a horse. He grabbed my arm and kissed me quickly and I wrinkled my nose at the morning breath.

"Goodbye kiss". He smirked.

"That's cheesy" I moaned but shooed him off of my balcony as I heard footsteps again, this time closer. "Quick" I nearly pushed him.

"You're so lady like" and with that he threw his other leg over and dangled with his arms and threw himself onto the tree branch that he arrived on last night. I waved goodbye whilst giggling and ran back to my bed and threw the covers over me. I smiled inside my little bed den at Dougie. I was his girlfriend. Girlfriend! I heard the door swing open but I stayed where I was.

"Skye are you still asleep?" My mum whispered, sitting down on my bed. "I need to talk to you". Oh no. Had she found out about Dougie's escape? She'd kill me! She'd think that we'd done, you know... it!

I appeared from under my covers and bravely asked "What's up mum?"

"What happened last night? I heard you whispering?" She asked curiously. I couldn't get out of this one. I'd tell her the truth because I can't lie to her but I just won't tell her that he stayed over.

And that's exactly what I did.

When I'd finished she covered her mouth with her hands and had tears in her eyes. "Oh sweetie, that's beautiful!"

"I know" I smiled.

"So are you two going out?"

"Yeah. I really like him mum"

"Well," she paused awkwardly "I think that we should have the talk"

No! No no no no no! "Mum? It's ok. I know everything. It can't have changed since you told me when I was eleven" I looked away.

"Yeah but you have a boyfriend now" she tried to make eye contact with me.

"I'm sure it's still the same" I smiled at her and gave her a hug. "Love you mum"

"I love you too honey. But just remember to be careful with him ok?"

"Alright" I rolled my eyes. Protective mothers.

My phone rang at the side of my bed on the table. It was Willow. "I'm going to have to take this mum" I said and she nodded and waved goodbye, shutting my door behind her.

I picked up my phone. "Hi Willow"

"Skye" she cried. She was really upset. "Please can I come over?" She was crying her eyes out. I knew what this was about.

"Of course!" I sighed. "Come straight over. And Willow?"


"Remember to breathe".

'Not again' I thought.


Sorry for the short chapter. I might do another one today. I just thought that it needed a dramatic effect at the end :) Please comment what you think

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