11. Zukie

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"So how did you and Tom meet?" I was sat on one of the dining room chairs around the circular wooden table. We were all sat down and were all now eating sandwiches for our lunch. It seemed so cozy.

"Well" Giovanna began "We were thirteen and I was new to the school. I sat down next to Tom in assembly because our last names were next to each other in the alphabet".

Tom then took over. "I saw her and said to the dude sat next to me 'Man, she's beautiful. I'm going to marry that girl someday'."

Gi talked again. "So I sat down next to him and introduced myself saying 'Hi my names Giovanna but you can call me Gi'. And then Tom said 'Hi my names Tom but you can call me T'".

"Smooth" Tom laughed taking a bite of his sandwich.

"That's so cute! So you've been together all this time?" I grinned.

"Oh, well there were a few ups and downs but I always knew Gi was the one for me" Tom kissed Gi on the cheek and there was an 'aww' moment in the room.

"How about you and Harry then Izzy?" I asked her now, moving on.

"Well, me and my violin band Escala, we toured with Mcfly for their tour Wonderland. It was so amazing. I had a crush on Harry and every night he'd have this little tambourine solo in All About You and he'd always look at me and then I'd look at him. It formed into a relationship. But I thought that he wouldn't stay with me because he's two years younger than me and was careless because he was in a band".

"I'd never do that" Harry took Izzy's hand in his.

"He kept true to his word and we've been together ever since" she smiled and looked up at him with loving eyes. I smiled at them like I did with Tom and Gi.

"Our turn!" Georgia cheered giddily.

"Go on then" I sarcastically rolled my eyes.

Dougie stood up and excused himself because there was a lizard programme on in the living room that he needed to watch.

"Ok, so I'd just won Miss England and Danny showed up at a few of the shows. He'd just finished dating the Miss England before me. I was at the bar and he was flirting with me. I wasn't really into him at first" she giggled, putting her hand over her mouth. Danny made a sarcastic shocked face.

"Whys that?" I asked curiously.

She giggled more. "I was more of a Busted girl. And anyway" (queue giggles) "I had a boyfriend".

I laughed at her.

"But I fell for his child like personality and that's it".

"That's it?!" Danny said outraged. "You didn't fall for my looks?"

"Oh Danny, you know I love you" she patted his head.

I loved all of these couples. They were all so perfect for each other.

"Enough about us" Izzy leaned over the table. "What about you and Dougie?" She whispered as you could see Dougie watching the TV intently through the window of the living room and kitchen.

"What about me and Dougie?" I tried to hold my thoughts together but felt my face flaming red.

"Look at that blush!" Danny pointed and everybody hushed him but Dougie didn't seem to notice.

"We're friends". But I couldn't help the smile that grew on my face. We'd only known each other for a day! How had my feelings grown this much in a day?!

"There's something between you two" Gi mumbled to me over the table. I saw the others nod in silent agreement.

"I don't know what you mean" I questioned, now curious.

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