9. Karaoke

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We were now driving down some road, on our way to the band house. Doug had rolled down the windows and the fresh breeze was wafting through the car. He made a rude joke about how it was like one of Danny's farts and burst out laughing. Nice.

I Will Wait by Mumford and Sons came on the radio. Dougie turned it up and started mumbling along to the tune of the song.

"Do you know it?" I asked him as I knew the words.

"Nope" he said popping the P. "I know the tune though". He started to sing what he thought was the words. I laughed. And put my elbow out the window and my chin on my palm. I watched him trying to sing along (not in a creepy way). He was so cute! But then it came to the chorus.

He screamed "I Will Wait, I Will Wait for youuuuu". I laughed so hard.

"Stop ittt" I whined putting my hands over my ears, but still laughing.

"No, come on. Join in!" He laughed, patting my arm but still managing to look at the road. He started screaming again. I was now crying with laughter. My sides were aching. I joined in screaming along. People in passing cars looked at us like we were psychos, which we probably were.

"Serious mode now. Your turn" Dougie laughed.

"And I'll kneel down,

Wait for now

I'll kneel down,

Know my ground

Raise my hands

Paint my spirit gold

And bow my head

Keep my heart slow"

I finished off with:

"Cause I will wait, I will wait for you

And I will wait, I will wait for you

And I will wait, I will wait for you

And I will wait, I will wait for you"

When I'd finished I announced "Ta da" and made jazz hands. I didn't realise that Dougie was watching me. I blushed.

"Eyes on the road mister" I poked his cheek and huddled in the seat.

After realising that we could have died if it wasn't a straight road he jumped and turned his vision back to the road ahead.

"You're a really good singer you know?" He smiled, still watching the road.

"Nah I'm not" I blushed. I just got a compliment about my singing from Dougie Poynter. The fangirling still came to me even though now I was classed as his friend. I wasn't looking for compliments. I hate it when girls do that. When they fish for compliments, it's so desperate. I honestly thought that I couldn't sing. I've never really heard myself before.

"Have you ever thought about going professional?" Dougie suddenly announced.

"What?" I blurted, shocked.

"You know, professional. Like going into singing as a career. Come on! You've got to have known that you can sing by your mum and your brother."

I paused. "I've never really thought about it". "I mean, I guess it would make sense. But I don't really sing anywhere. Only in the shower, my room and the car" I whispered confused.

"I'll help you out with that" Dougie said with a mischievous smirk and with that we arrived at a house that looked fairly normal but had gates in front of it. We got out of the car and looked up at it.

"This" Dougie said with his arms wide open,"is the band house"


Hey guys! So... Skye's a good singer. I think we kinda expected that all along ;)

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