24. Willow's POV

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I'd been battling with myself a lot over the past few weeks. It was like a wrestling match. Head vs Heart. My heart told me that I loved Tyler and I wanted to spend more time with him and be together. But then my brain would kick in with comments like "He's your best friend's brother", "you've known him since you were born", "he's seen you through puberty". And then it would start thinking up questions that had disastrous answers. Like "What will Skye think?", "What will Tyler think?", "What will Seb think?", "What will everyone think?" And these would just keep on going around and around in my head until I smacked it against the wall. I needed to stop doing that because it hurt.

And then I'd get a text. Mainly from Skye. Asking if I was okay or if I was mad at her and then I'd feel such a bad friend because I've been really distant with her because I didn't want her to figure out my feelings for Tyler.

Or Ty would message me asking if I was alright and then my heart would go crazy and at that moment my head would turn blank. When I needed it most.

And Seb would come home and ask me what the hell was wrong and I couldn't tell him the truth because he's Tyler's best friend. And all along I'm keeping this secret from everyone and I just feel like I'm going to explode!

I looked down at my phone. A message from Tyler. 'Are you okay?xx :(' And my heart stopped yet again. And my brain stopped working. I shouldn't feel these things! I've seen this guy pick his nose when he was six! And now I'm so attracted to him. Like the rest of the world I've just turned into one of his adoring fans. But I know him, and he doesn't know that I'm crazily, completely and utterly in love with him. I've fallen hard this time. And I don't think that I can get back up. And because my brain isn't working I message Tyler back. 'Not really. Please can you come over?xx'. And before I know it I've sent the message. And I don't know what I was thinking. And then a thought came in my head.

I'll tell him. I'll tell him when he comes over.

That's my heart talking. My heads trying to fight against it but I'm not really listening. Because I know that he's coming over and my head is just a small murmur to my heart right now. He's coming over. That thought ran through my head. I ran upstairs to put on some nicer clothes, brushed my hair and put on some makeup as I heard a knock at the door.

There was nobody in the house except for me. Seb had gone to play football again with his friends and my parents had gone on a trip out with Skye's parents.

I ran down the stairs, fixed my hair one more time and opened the door.

And there he was.

Looking so gorgeous that everything stopped. I took in his sight. He wore a white vest top, showing his muscles. God, my heart started again at that but beat faster. He had on black jeans which were ripped at the knees and black converse. His hair was pushed back as if he'd ran. But why would he have ran to my house?

"Hey" he breathed. "Now, you've got to tell me what's the matter" he leaned his elbow on the door frame and looked straight at me. His eyebrows curved upwards in a worrying way.

"O-ok, come in" I whispered. Way to keep it cool. He walked in the house and shut the door behind him. I walked into the lounge. I was wearing a creme coloured jumper that kind of matched my hair, light coloured jeans and brown boots. I left my hair down. I huddled up on the couch and he sat right next to me.

"You going to tell me what's going on now?" He asked me with one eyebrow up.

I felt sick in my stomach. How could I pull this off? What if he doesn't like me? Of course he won't like me! It's such a stupid idea!

"Is it about that soppy tweet you put on a few weeks ago?" Tyler smirked and nudged me. I blushed but still didn't say anything.

Tyler sighed and I felt kind of sorry for the guy. He was trying to work out my problem when he was the problem but he didn't know it.

"Oh God! You're not pregnant are you?" Tyler said outragedly at me.

I turned to him now. "Oh my God how can you think that? No! I'm a virgin!" I screeched at him. I shook at the idea.

"Sorry, just checking" he laughed. He poked my cheek and I felt another blush coming on. Please don't show I thought to myself. Please don't show!

"You're blushing a lot more" Tyler pointed out and I blushed deeper. He really had no clue!

"I guess it's just my age".

We sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Will you just tell me! You obviously didn't being me over to just sit with you so please!" Tyler begged to me.

I closed my eyes. This was so hard! I felt his arm wrap around my shoulders but I edged away from it.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

"You'll hate me if I tell you". I felt tears in my eyes. I'd been crying a lot lately. I kept my eyes shut, trying to blank him out and pretend tht he wasn't there and trying to not let the tears escape.

"Of course I won't! I'd never hate you" he said softly to me.

I looked over at him now. He really had no idea. He was just staring at me with a concerned look on his face.

"You pinky swear?" I whispered to him.

A chuckle came from his lips as he said "I pinky swear" and we interlocked pinkys and stamped each other's thumbs. We kept hold of each other's pinkys as I looked at him. This was it. I was about to tell him. My stomach had butterflies flying around, my heart beat faster than it ever had and my head went blank again.

"Tyler" I took a big breath. "I think, I think I like you" I breathe out.

It took a whole for that to process through his brain.

"Like, like me like me?" His voice was high pitched.

I knew this would happen. This was awful. "Yeah. I mean, I don't think. I know" I gulped and my hands started shaking with our pinky fingers still connected.

He bit his lip which was the worst thing he could have possibly done because my hear went into overdrive.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure" I let out a nervous laugh.

He breathed out and looked at me straight in my eyes. "Well that's pretty weird, seeing as I like you too. Like you, like you".

And that moment was when my heart stopped for a beat. I just stopped still. I was transfixed in his eyes.

"You're not just saying that because I'm saying that right?" I asked him worriedly.

"I'm not just saying that because you're just saying that".

"Oh my God, this is like a huge deal" I breathed as my head started to work again.

"Don't think about that right now" he whispered to me and he leaned in towards me. We still had our pinkies together from our promise before as I kissed like I'd never kissed before. Like, ever. My heart ached but I a good way, because I didn't have to imagine what kissing him would be like now. I knew. And it was good.


Got a teeny bit carried away with this chapter but OMG. Sorry, I'm the one writing this and I got really excited about writing it and I was shaking because I was nervous for Willow even though I knew what happened. Well, actually I kinda just made that up on the spot.

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