17. Awards Part 1

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Me and Dougie had known each other for four whole months now. Four! It was going amazingly well and I could safely say he is one of the best things that's ever happened to me.

We were lying on the couch watching a movie. Mean Girls to be exact. I really liked this film and found it hilarious but Dougie was getting bored as it's a girly film. He started to throw pieces of the popcorn that we were sharing at me.

"Stop it" I moaned at him.

"Oh I'm sorry, do you not like this" he said sarcastically, throwing another piece at me.

"No" I kicked him because we were on different sides of the couch.


I laughed.

"You're mean" he pouted.

"Oh I'm the mean one?"

He nodded and I laughed again.

Suddenly I heard the front door slam open and heavy sobs. A crying girl opened the door and fell into my arms. It was Willow. Except it didn't look like her. Her hair was strewn all over, her makeup ran down her face and her clothes were a little torn. She looked up at me and I could see her face properly. She had a nearly purple eye and a red mark across her cheek. She was still crying and was mumbling but I couldn't make out what she was trying to tell me.

"H-he did i-it" I heard her say.

"Who did what?" I asked her. I knew what she was talking about but I didn't want to believe it. This couldn't happen to my best friend.

"R-Ryan. H-he hit me".

Anger grew inside me at the thought of him. He had done this. I'd told Willow not to go back there. And yet she did. Why?

"What happened. You need to tell me. I know that you're hurting right now honey but please tell me what happened". I sat her on the couch in between me and Dougie and she began telling the story quickly because she just wanted to get it over with.

"My parents had gone shopping and my brother was playing football so I was in the house alone. I was just watching TV when the front door flew open and it was him. It was Ryan. He walked up to me and grabbed my hair and put his face real close to mine. I tried to pull away but he just kept on pulling me closer to him. I was screaming at him to let go of me". Willow took a deep breath and began talking again in a shaky voice. "He was saying to me 'If we're over why didn't you just come and tell me yourself?' And then he threw me on the floor and I hit the wall behind me. He walked over to me and slapped me across my face and punched my eye. And then he lifted my chin and said 'We're not over until I say we are' and walked out. I came right over here. What am I going to do?" She cried and buried into me again. I held her and she sobbed. She hadn't gone over to him. He'd come over to her. He'd found her. I looked up at Dougie and he had wide eyes. He looked down at Willow and back up at me. I shook my head. What are we going to do?

I picked Willow up and persuaded her to come to the bathroom with me to clean her up. On the way upstairs we bumped into my brother.

"What happened?" He whispered to me, keeping his eyes on Willow.

"I'll tell you later" I mumbled to him. He stroked Willow's back and gave her a reassuring smile as we carried on walking to the bathroom. I cleaned up her face and brushed through her hair as she carried on crying.

"Calm down now honey. It's ok. You're safe here. He can't get you now. You'll never see him again" I said soothingly to her.

"I-I'm so s-sorry" she cried again.

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