31. The Tour

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It's been a couple of weeks since I found out about Tyler and Willow now. I still can't get used to them being all soppy around each other but I accept it now. I even think that they're cute together. Who thought that's happen? I realise now that they weren't trying to hurt me. They needed it out in the open.

I was in a very happy mood today. I'd gotten all dressed up in a blue dress that was decorated with sunflowers. I had my blonde hair down and I wore my brown wedges to match. The reason I was in such a happy mood was because I was visiting Dougie today. That's right! I was visiting my boyfriend on tour! I'd hang out with them all day and then go to the concert at night. They were performing in London so he was at the closest venue and I was so excited. I was meeting him there.

"I'm ready!" I squealed to Tyler, running down the stairs. He was being so sweet to me lately. He'd gotten up exceptionally early today to take me there.

"Let's go!" He smiled to me and I jumped up and down. This was the happiest I'd been in weeks. I turned around to my mum and dad to wave goodbye and they had big grins on their faces.

I fidgeted uncomfortably in the seat of the car, itching to get out and be there.

When we finally parked I jumped out of the car and me and Ty ran over to the security guard. I had my backstage pass on telling him who I was and he let me and Tyler through. We walked down a long corridor in the venue. It was only morning. There were some fans queuing outside already but me and Dougie were going out and having a full day to ourselves. At the end of the corridor was a door with another security guard outside it. I showed him my pass and he opened the door. It swung open.

I was in a room with a makeup table and a large seating area. There were racks with clothes on them. And sat on the seating area was the band. Dougie. He turned around and stood up quickly. I ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

"I've missed you so much" he mumble into my hair. I felt tears run down my face.

"I missed you too."

We pulled apart and kissed. My brother coughed awkwardly and we turned to face him.

"I'll pick you up at eleven yeah?" He smiled at me and I nodded and gave him a hug and whispered thank you in his ear.

Once he'd left I cuddled up to Dougie on the couch.

We stayed like that for a little while and then eventually we stood up and left.

We kept our backstage passes around our necks so that we were able to get back inside. We sneaked out the back but some fans managed to see us. They started screaming and security had to hold them back. Dougie gripped my hand, waved to the crowd and we ran off. We ran to a private park with barely anybody in it. There was an old couple sat on a bench and a small family enjoying a picnic and that was it. We sat against a tree. We started to talk about Dougie's tour life and how we'd been-dreadful.

After talking Dougie picked me up and I was sitting on a tree branch looking down at him. I'd missed that smile that was growing on his face.

He pulled out a pencil and started drawing something on the tree.

"What're you doing?" I laughed at him because his tongue was sticking out in concentration.

"I'm writing our initials in the tree".

"Oh so this is our tree now?" I laughed but was secretly touched.

"Yeah". He wrote DLP and then a + sign beneath it and wrote S. He then paused. "What's your middle name?"

"It's E" I said to him. "And make it look pretty".

I watched him carve our initials in the tree and he circled them with a big heart. He then hopped up on the branch i was sitting on next to me.

"You know this tree could be somebody's property?" I laughed. People did that right?

He just shrugged and said "It's ours now".

We sat in comforting silence for a while gazing at the heart. The sun began to go down and we watched it.

"We better get back" he whispered to me. My head was on his shoulder and I was feeling sleepy.


He hopped down from the tree first and held out his hand for me to carefully come down.

We walked hand in hand back and was soon enough back in the venue. We went backstage and I sat in the sitting area as the boys got ready.

"I better go and get my seat" I smiled at Dougie and kissed him goodbye as he put his shirt on.

"Okay, have a good time" he winked.

"Break a leg" I winked back and left.

I joined the big queue outside of the venue. I heard some people squealing my name so I looked to the side of me.

"Hi" I waved to them and they squealed some more.

"Can we have a picture with you?" One of the girls asked excitedly. She must've been only around fourteen.

"Sure". I took a few pictures with the much of girls, handed my tickets in to the guys a the doors as they searched my bag and I went to ind my seats. I was on the Lower Tier, front row. It seemed kind of sad going to a concert alone but I was here to support my boyfriend. I found my seat as the opening act played.

Finally the lights dimmed and my heart began pounding. I felt like a teenage girl again, the one before I met Dougie. The one who was a really big fan of McFly and who'd been lost in the haze of craziness. I began screaming like the other girls as the lights blasted on stage.

I heard the guitar start up and the "Do do do do do DO!" And I began singing along to the concert.

"Hello my friends!" Dougie screamed into the microphone and we all screamed back. "This is Dougie here".

I saw the big grin on his face and revelled in how happy he was. I was so proud of this guy.


Once the concert had ended I ran backstage to the guys. They were busy wiping their faces and changing out of the clothes and having showers.

"Guys that was amazing!" I squealed at them. Dougie wrapped his arm around me.

"I saw you in the crowd" he said.

I rolled my eyes. He didn't. "Oh, suurreee" I dragged out, making him know that I knew he was lying. "I bet you heard me scream though" I giggled.

He tried to pull me into a hug and I let him. Even though he was drenched in sweat this would be the last time I'd hug him until he went off again.

"Now go get a shower" I laughed and hit his chest.

He started laughing too but them whispered to me "Don't leave until I get back" I saw his worried face.

"I'd never" I shook my head and he smiled at me again and headed for the shower.


When Dougie was finally out, Tyler was already here and was sat on the couch next to me. It'd been an hour since the concert ended and we assumed that most of the fans had left to go home.

"I'm out" he breathed and came over to us in fresh clothes and not smelling of sweat.

His hair was damp and he wore a Blink shirt.

"Skye, we have to go" Ty smiled sadly to me.

I nodded. I felt the tears want to come out again but I'd built a barrier against that.

I gave him a kiss and he knew it was time for me to leave.

"I'll miss you" he put his hand in my hair.

"I'll miss you too" and with that I had to leave so I waved bye to everybody and to Dougie and the door was shut.

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