37. Happy Birthday To Mee

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It'd been a month since the events of the tattoo had passed. I woke up the morning after with a piercing headache and an outrageous hangover. I had to keep on taking paracetamol and I sat in my pajamas all day, much to my parents disliking. I also woke up confused at the day before. I didn't really remember anything and then I sat up and felt a pain in my stomach. I looked down and remembered that yes, I'd gotten a tattoo.
Now it's February and the pain from the tattoo has subsided. I have taken off the white bandage and display it proudly on my lower stomach whenever I wear a crop top.
Valentines Day had passed to quickly for my liking as I spent the whole day with Dougie. We'd taken a trip on the London Eye and then had a fancy meal in a fancy restaurant. We tried to not get noticed by people but some managed to pick us out and ask for autographs. Not that I don't love the fans of my music, it's just that it was Valentines Day.
I woke up this morning, remembering that today was something special...but I couldn't remember what.
I looked at my calendar, with my eyes still half closed, sleep still taking a hold of me. I saw all of the crossed out dates and looked for the empty one. 27th of February... What was that date. I sat in my bed thinking and then remembered. It was my birthday! How could I have forgotten? I didn't get as excited about my birthday as Christmas. I think that it was because I loved giving presents but on your birthday you just receive them. Don't get me wrong, I love that too but I love sharing events with people.
I sprang out of bed and rushed downstairs. All of my family were already awake. I looked at the clock. It was 11am. I'd slept in later than everybody...again.
"Happy Birthday!" They announced.
"Thank you!" I hugged my brother, mum and dad all individually. Today I'd be having a party where nearly everybody that I loved was coming. My aunties, uncles, cousins, Seb, Willow, their mum and dad, Dougie and the rest of the band. I sat down on the floor as I stared at the pile of presents in front of me. I giddily clapped my hands like a little kid as I grabbed the first one. I opened it up, as I read the card who said that the present was from my mum. It was a full Mac makeup set which had in eyeshadows, blushers, foundations, lipsticks etc. I squealed at it.
"Thank you so much mum!" I hugged her again and she laughed.
"I want to borrow it though!" She said to me seriously. We shared nearly everything of each other's things.
"Next present" Tyler heaved a great huge one on to my lap, he was the present giver.
I opened it, greedily tearing away the paper, wanting to know what this huge present could be. It was from my dad.
"A new TV!" I gasped. It was huge! As I said before. Much bigger than my last one.
"Thank you so much daddy!" I hugged him tightly and he laughed too.
My brother handed me another one which was off of him. It was an odd shape. I tore off the paper and found a huge water gun inside it.
"I have one too" he exclaimed. "Summer's going to get a whole lot better!"
"Ty, it's February. We have at least four months until Summer decideds to show its face" I laughed.
"Nothing wrong with being prepared" he crossed his arms grumpily.
"Why thank you" I gave him a one arm hug and went to kiss his cheek but he inched away, disgusted and I laughed.
"I'm going to get changed!" I announced and ran upstairs to get ready. I was really excited for this party now. I wore a light pink dress with white flowers on it, white tights and pink heels. I put a white flower clip in my hair and wore it down. I put on some light makeup and ran back downstairs as I heard the doorbell ring. I swung the door open and there was Willow, Seb my Auntie Alex and my Uncle Daniel. "Happy Birthday!" Willow squealed and I gave her a huge hug.
"I'm seventeen!" I squealed back at her and we both squealed together.
"Lame" Seb shook his head but gave me a hug. "Happy birthday Skye" he chuckled and walked inside. "Is there any food available yet?" He asked my mum and I laughed. I saw Willow give Ty a quick kiss as I hugged my auntie Alex and uncle Daniel. As you know, they're not my real auntie and uncle but my mum's so close to auntie Alex they're practically sisters like me and Willow so I call them that. We all sat in the living room as Willow ushered me to open my present. I quickly unwrapped the wrapping paper and I saw some guitar picks, a beautiful fragrance lamp, some designer perfume and new shoes. "Eeeeeeee thank you so much!" I said to them.
"Willow picked them out" Alex said and I smiled at Willow.
"I know that you've been wanting them for aaagggeeessss" she said to me. I gave her another hug and I heard another knock on the door.
I opened the door to reveal my Uncle Ryker, Auntie Harriet, Jarrod, Charlie, Logan, and little Scarlett.
"Hey guys!" I called to them and they all answered back.
"Come in" I laughed and let them past. They went into the living room and greeted my mum, dad and Tyler. I followed them there and saw Scarlett.
"Oh my gosh!" I gasped. I picked her up and hugged her. "You're getting so big!"
She made a little giggle. She was two now and had grown since the last time I'd seen her. She wasn't a little baby anymore but a chubby toddler. Her red hair glinted in the light and her brown eyes shone too.
"Appee Berfday" She cried to me and hugged me.
"Thank you!" I laughed. I put her back down and I felt someone tap me. It was Charlie. He'd turned seven now.
"This is your present" he smiled at me.
"Why thank you little one!" I patted his head and sat down on the couch.
"Hey! I'm not that little!" He protested.
"Oh Charlie" I said to him jokingly "You'll always be little to me".
I ripped open the paper to reveal a material. I picked it up and stood up and put it against me. It was a floor length dress and it looked stunning. It was so formal. It was a strapless light purple dress that hugged the top of the body and flowed at the bottom. I nearly cried in happiness.
"That" my Auntie said "Is for when you're on that carpet getting those Grammys" she smiled at me. I felt a tear roll down my face and I hugged her tightly.
"Thank you" I whispered to her.
"It's alright" she patted me.
I put the dress carefully back in the box and put it with the rest of my presents as I heard the door knock again. I wiped my eyes and opened it up. My uncle Fred, auntie Sian, Teddy, Lottie and my grandma and grandad (my mums mum and dad as my dad's parents had sadly passed away when I was young) were standing in front of me.
"Hello!" I said to them and gave them all a hug as they walked in. As my grandma walked in she said to me "Darling you've grown since the last time I saw you!" I rolled my eyes, she said this every time. I smiled at her as she carried on saying to me "What are you doing wearing that? A dress? In February? You'll catch your death in that! I need to get you a nice cosy jumper" she smiled at me.
I laughed. "Grandma it's a wintery style. See," I pointed to my dress and tights "White!"
She shook her head but had a grin on her face "Come here" she hugged me in a tight grip like she usually does. She was a cuddly cosy grandma that was curvy and had bright rosy cheeks to match her ginger hair. No wonder my mum was ginger, that's where she got it from. My grandad was too. I hugged him too as he gave me a jolly smile. He was always jolly. The ginger gene hadn't passed down to me and Ty as he had brown hair like dad and I had a dirty blonde kind of hair colour. That came from dad when he was younger.
Now my whole family were in the same room and I sat down on the floor, me and Ty offered our seats to our grandparents. Apparently my grandparents and my auntie Sian and uncle Fred had put their money towards what they got me. I stared at it. It was quite large and rectangular. I looked at everyone, asking for permission to open it and they all nodded. I tore the wrapping paper and found a cardboard box. I looked at them inquisitively. They nodded in encouragement. I opened the box up to reveal a gorgeous guitar. It was perfect. It was an acoustic one with diamantes all over it. They covered the whole thing and the sparkles hit the lights in the room. I gasped at it.
"It's beautiful!" I could only manage to say. I put it carefully on the floor and hugged them. "Thank you!" I squealed. I sat back down on the floor and played them a little song as they'd told me to try it out. Lottie sat right next to me, listening intently. I looked over at Teddy who now had dark black hair and he was smiling. I finished playing the song and my family all clapped. I was so happy in that moment.
"Guess what?" Lottie whispered to me.
"What?" I smiled at her.
"Someday I want to be like you, singing on a stage" she said to me. Six year old Lottie with her huge curls and her dimples. I had no doubt in her.
I heard another knock at the door and knew that these were my last visitors. Another grin appeared on my face (it couldn't get any bigger) as I ran to the door. My family all wolf whistled and I shouted "Shut up!" to them. My grandparents hadn't met Dougie yet. I opened the door to reveal a very cold looking McFly. They all wore huge coats and boots. Tom had a maroon scarf on and had his mouth covered by it, trying to get warm. Harry wore a great big parka coat and gloves as he covered his ears. Danny wore wooly socks and a scarf to match as he'd stuffed his frozen hands into his coat pockets and Dougie wore a blue scarf and a dark blue beanie to match with fingerless gloves. I looked down and he was holding a little bag which I assumed had my present in.
"H-Happy Birthday!" They all stuttered in the cold.
"Come inside you guys!" I ushered them in, wanting them to get warmer. Their postures relaxed in the heat of the house as they started taking off coats and gloves and scarves. They put them on the hangers and walked into the lounge with me.
"HARRY AND DANNY!" Charlie and Logan shouted, remembering their football match in Summer.
"Hey!" They said to the boys.
"Did you bring a football?" The boys asked Danny and Harry excitedly.
"No sorry" they pouted to them.
"Sit down boys, this is Skye's day!" Uncle Ryker said.
"Oh it's fine I don't mind" I said. There was a pause as everyone looked at the band. I held Dougie's arm as I looked over to my grandparents.
"This is Dougie" I introduced them to him.
"It's nice to meet you" he smiled at them and shook their hands. My grandma kissed his cheek and I worried that I had some competition over my man going on there. Just joking. I laughed as we all sat on the floor.
I looked around and saw that my dad wasn't in the room anymore. I wondered where he'd gotten to.
"Okay so here's your present" he said to me, handing me it.
Cocoa was in the room, jumping around excitedly at all the new faces that had arrived. The kids were playing with her and I remembered that she was my last present from Dougie. How was he going to beat Cocoa?
I looked in the bag and saw something covered in wrapping paper. It was square and I unwrapped it. It looked like a jewellery box. I looked at him excitedly. I opened up the box and inside was a gorgeous bracelet. It looked expensive as it was so well made and amazing. It was real gold entwined with real silver all the way around to make a stunning bracelet.
"Thank you thank you thank you!" I squealed and hugged him.
"Can't, breathe!" He enthused and I laughed as I let him go.
"Can you put it on for me?" I asked him and he nodded.
He put it around my wrist and it looked perfect. I stared at it for a while.
"I am never taking this off" I giggled as my family 'awwed'.
My dad returned into the room and said to me "Okay we have one more surprise" I could feel everyone staring at me.
"Are you sure? I mean I think I have enough already" I stammered. I realised that I'd burned a hole in people's pockets and didn't want to be a pain.
"Honey it's fine. Come outside" my mum said, squealing as she grabbed my hand and opened the door.
Outside I saw a 1969 Chevy truck. I stared at it in awe. It was bright blue and had silver parts to it too. It had a red ribbon around it.
"Is-is this mine?!" I asked my parents, wide eyed. This couldn't be mine! It was to good for me!
"It's all yours" they smiled at me.
"Mum and dad put in money towards it" Tyler said to me. "Even I did, I'm sick of you asking me to take you places" he winked at me.
"OH MY GOSH!" I screamed excitedly. I'd been taking driving lessons and I got this as a present. This was the best day!
"Well go on, have a drive" my dad nudged me.
"Okay!" I giggled excitedly. I hopped in the car and got everything sorted to go.
"See you on the other side suckers!" I shouted to them and I heard everyone laugh as I drove down the street. I turned round the corner and past peoples houses. I had my own car! And it wasn't just a car, it was a flaming Chevy truck!!! I made a U turn and drove back to my house where people had gone inside because of the cold.
"That. Was. AMAZING!" I chuckled as I got inside.
The lights were all switched off but I could feel other people's presence in the room.
"Happy birthday to you" I heard everybody start singing. "Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Skyyeeee, Happy birthday to you" I saw a birthday cake with 'Happy Birthday Honey' wrote on it and different pictures of my life from my childhood to being on stage to being with Dougie were printed on it. That was clever how people had done that.
"Make a wish!" Willow giggled excitedly.
I made a wish in my head and then blew out all seventeen candles.
"Woooo!" Everybody cheered as I blew them all out.
After that we all got a slice of cake and ate it whilst we sat down watching movies for the rest of the night whilst my grandma flirted with Harry. I shook my head at her laughing. Dougie had his arm around me and Danny was asleep curled up on the floor whilst my cousins drew on his face whilst Tom, Seb and Teddy encouraged them. My mum and dad were intently watching the movie and eating popcorn whilst Willow fell asleep with her head on Tyler. My aunties and uncles were all chatting quietly or watching the movie. It was the end to a perfect seventeenth birthday.

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