22. Ignored

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"YES I GET A BABY GIRL!" I screamed. We were playing the Game of Life. Me, Dougie, Tyler, Seb and my mum and dad. I'd rung Willow for her to come around and play it as well but she said she had some 'stuff' to take care of. Something had gotten into her. She was always avoiding me and when we were in the same room she was always quiet and never wanted to talk to me. I asked her if it was Ryan bugging her again yesterday and she snapped out at me! She never does that!

"Oh, so you don't like boys then?" Dougie mumbled then.

"I had four of them in my car Dougie I was ready for a girl!" I told him.

"You can't pick your kids in the future" he tutted. A tinge of red came on his face. I know what he was suggesting. 'Our kids'. We'd gotten really serious now and were like an old married couple. We'd been together for five months now and it was now August. I was leaning on his shoulder as we played. My parents and brother had gotten used to him being around now and the guys round at the band house were used to me too. We were like one big extended family.

"My turn!" Seb smiled and spun the spinny thing. It landed on 6 so he moved 6 places up. "Damnit! My house had a flood!" A look of disappointment washed over his face and we all laughed. "It couldn't hold together for at least the rest of the game?"

We finished the game, with my mum reaching the finish line first and then all ordered pizzas to eat. I messaged Willow again to see if she wanted to come and eat pizza with us but I didn't get a reply. Ok then. Her loss I suppose. But I felt a little hurt. What had gotten into her?

When the pizzas arrived the boys all rushed towards the boxes. They dug in almost straight away. They were all sat in a corner together, Dougie, Ty and Seb. I sat on my own couch eating my own pizza. I usually shared one with Willow because we could never both finish a whole pizza. I'd made a deal with the boys that the pizza I left, they would finish. I snap chatted Willow a picture of the pizza saying "He misses you". She opened it up but never replied. I finished half of the pizza and then couldn't stomach anymore so I left it with the guys. I went upstairs and cried for a while. Why was she ignoring me? I sobbed and curled up in my bed as my mascara left stains on my pillow. I heard my door creak open but I didn't look up. I still cried and heard somebody run over to the bed and they were hugging me. Those safe arms, Dougie.

"It's okay, it's okay" he murmured to me and rocked me as I cried into his shirt.

"Why is she ignoring me?" I wailed to him.

"I don't know. But I know everything's gunna be fine" he held me until my sobs turned into sniffles and then I sat up straight.

"I'm sorry" I looked in his eyes. His blue eyes that reminded me of the sea. Soft and calm.

"Hey, you don't need to apologize. I understand" he smiled reassuringly at me. The dimple appeared when he smiled which made me smile too.

"You wanna hear a song?" Dougie dragged out his words which made me laugh and kept on nudging me.

"Okay" I wiped my tears away with a tissue as he picked up my guitar at the side of my room.

"When everything is going wrong and things are just a little strange

It's been so long now, you've forgotten how to smile

And overhead the skies are clear but it still seems to rain on you

And you only friends all have better things to do." He rolled his eyes at Willow and I giggled a bit as he carried on with the rest of the song.

"When you're down, and lost

And you need a helping hand

When your down, and lost along the way

Oh just tell yourself, I'll, I'll be ok"

I watched his mouth move whilst he was singing to me and his blue eyes were now shut. He tried to look like a rockstar but he was too cute that it didn't work. His fingers strummed the guitar along with the tune as the song and I sat there watching him. He was sat up against my wall whilst I faced him on my bed.

When he finished I gave him a little round of applause and he stood up and bowed. "Thank you, thank you very much". He tried to do an Elvis impression. He placed the guitar down and came to sit on the bed next to me again.

"Thank you for that" I smiled at him and put my hands in his hair.

"It's nothing" he smirked and leaned in and we kissed for a little while.


When it was dark Dougie had to leave. I stood in the doorway as he stood in front of me.

"Are you okay now?" He asked me seriously.

"Yeah I'll be alright" I smiled weakly.

"Alright, well I've gotta go but I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"

"Okay. Thanks for everything Doug". I kissed him and then Dougie went over to his car, waved and drove off.

I shut the door and plonked myself onto the couch. I checked through Twitter and saw Willow's tweets. 'Loving someone you can't have is the worst'.

Is that what was wrong with her? Did she like Ryan again? What was going on with her? And why couldn't she hang around with me! Was it because I thought that Ryan was a scumbag and she knew my opinion of him?

I slumped down into the couch, exhausted and fell asleep in the lounge.

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