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"Arthur, can you pass me the eggs?" Merlin asked as he continued to steer the mixture of flour, cocoa, baking soda, and a bit of salt. 

"Yep," Arthur said without looking up from his phone. He was sitting on top of the kitchen counter, swinging his legs back and forth. After a few minutes, Merlin looked up to see that Arthur hadn't moved from his spot. Merlin glared at his boyfriend, who was just sitting there on his arrogant ass. If Arthur wanted to ignore him, then Merlin would just make his boyfriend help him. Walking over to the edge of the counter, Merlin opened the egg carton and picked up an egg. Smirking he walked over to Arthur and wrapped his arms around his neck. 

"Hey, sweetheart," Merlin said sweetly smiling up at his boyfriend. Arthur finally looking up from his phone and smiled. 

"Hi, you done baking," Arthur said leaning closer until he was in Merlin's space," Your mom won't be home until 7, so we can make out on the couch." 

"I have a better idea," Merlin said with a smug grin, as he stepped closer to Arthur. Arthur leaning into Merlin until their noses where touching, right before their lips were about to touch Arthur heard a creaking noise. Then something sticky and cold running down the sides of his face. 

"What the hell did you just do?" Arthur said with a glare. 

"Oh, look you found the eggs." 

"You are so dead," Arthur said with a glint in his eyes.

"You deserve this. We have to finish baking for the school food drive. You are the student body president, so you have to help. I said I would because I am a fukin fantastic boyfriend. I didn't say I would do all of it." 

"I'm sorry,"  Arthur said giving Merlin his best puppy dog eyes. 

"Nope, put the puppy eyes away. You are not getting out of this that easy. You are going to help me finish baking, with the egg in your hair."  

"Okay, okay I'll help," Arthur said jumping off the counter and walking over to Merlin's side. 

"What do you need me to do?" 

"Hand me the flour," Merlin commanded grabbing the measuring cups. 

"Sure thing," Arthur said with a smile, seconds later Merlin watch as white powder fell in front of his eyes. 

"You did not just do that!" Merlin yelled turning towards Arthur cause more flour to fall off his head. 

"What you asked for the flour? Here's some more." Arthur said before picking up the bag and dumping it all onto Merlin's head. 

"Now you are asking for it," Merlin replied picking up the egg carton and started throwing them at Arthur. Arthur just lets out a huge laugh as the eggs hit his chest, he grabbed the sugar and started throwing. Arthur then wrapped his arms around a squirming Merlin cause both of them to fall to the ground. 

"Get off of me! You smell of egg yolk." Merlin yelled pushing against Arthur's chest. 

"Because of you, you dork," Arthur said with a smile.  

"You're the dork," Merlin mumbled. 

"No, you are," Arthur said leaning down to peck Merlin on the lips, "and you taste like sugar." 

"At least I'm the sweet one," Merlin said. 

"Hey, I'm sweet." Arthur shrieked. 

"You're an ass." 

"An ass that you love," Arthur said in a sing-song voice. 

"I do love you," Merlin said with a smile. 

"I know, I'm great," Arthur said only to have Merlin hit him in the chest. 

"I love you, too," Arthur said with a small smile, his ears going red. Merlin loves how Arthur blushes every time he says "I love you." 

"We have to clean up." Merlin pointed out. 

"But I'm so comfortable right here." Arthur pouted. 

"That's because you're laying on top of me." 

"That's why it's nice, you make a great bed," Arthur said burying himself into Merlin's neck. 

"Fine, 5 more minutes. Then we clean up and finish baking." 

"Then we can make out?" Arthur asked using his puppy dog eyes. 

"Then we can make out," Merlin answered with a smile. 

-The End 

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