Grocery Boy (Teen AU)

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Arthur bit his lip nervously as he stood in the cereal aisle, taking fast glances at the boy who was stacking boxed a few feet away. He came here after school because its where the one and only Merlin Emrys worked. Merlin Emrys was the tall, lean swim captain at Camelot High and Arthur was head over heels for him.  

See, Arthur knew how to talk to people. He really truly did, he was the head of the student console and captain of the soccer team. It's just, Merlin was different, Arthur had no idea how to talk to him. Merlin would smile and wave to him at school and Arthur could feel his whole body just go red. 

Now he's been standing in the same spot for the last 10 minutes staring at the same cereal box. Trying to work up the confidence to go over and talk to him. 

"Hey, Arthur are you almost done? We have homework to do, and you said that it would be just a quick stop. We've been here for almost half an hour." Gwen said from behind him. 

"Sorry, what?" Arthur asked trying to focus. 

"Arthur, are you even listening to me?" Gwen asked as she watched Arthur's eyes drifted back to someone else in the aisle, "Is that him?" Gwen whispered as she followed Arthur's eyes to the boy taking the expired products off and putting the new ones on.

"Let's go like you said we have work to do," Arthur said quickly before trying to walk away, but Gwen grabbed his arm.

"He's cute. Go talk to him." 

"I can't. Please, can we just go?" Arthur asked, his eyes pleading. 

"You really like him, don't you?" 

"Gwen, I can't. I see him and I freeze. He's smart and funny and so incredibly perfect... and I'm not. And I just don't want to talk about now, in the market he works at when he is few feet away. So we're going to leave and we are not going to talk about him or how I feel, cause I don't know how." Arthur rushed out as he started to walk away not stopping when Gwen called his name.  Before she ran after him, she turned around and looked at Merlin before walking towards him. 

"Hi, Merlin?"

"Yes?" The raven- hair boy looked up at her. 

"Hi, I'm Gwen Colby. This is going to sound weird and really forward, but my friend Arthur Pendragon is having a get-together tonight at around 7 at his house. There's eight of us and I think you should come. " 

Merlin smiled brightly at her, " I would love to, but I don't own a car." 

"No problem, I'll pick you up. Just give me your number and text me your address." Gwen said pulling out her phone. Merlin smiled as he took it and put in his info. A few seconds later Merlin's phone buzzed. 

"There we go," Merlin said as he handed back the phone. 

"Great, I'll see you tonight," Gwen said before turning away and running out of the aisle, she heard Merlin say goodbye as she ran the other way. Before she left she bought a bottle of root beer and a pack of skittles. Heading out of the store, she saw Arthur's car right where they had parked it. 

"Where did you go?" He asked as she climbed in. 

"I thought this would make you feel better." She answered as she pulled out the soda and candy. Arthur gave her a smile as she handed them to him. 

"You won't always be able to buy my love back." He said with a smirk. 

"Then I better use it as often as I can," Gwen replied as they drove off. 

*A couple of hours later*

Hey, it's Gwen! On my way to get you!! :) 

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