Puppy Dog Eyes

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So, I saw this and an idea came into my head that Arthur Pendragon has the best puppy dog eyes.


If there was one thing that Merlin could never say no to was when Arthur look at him with his big, blue puppy dog eyes. Know Arthur's eyes were beautiful to begin with, it was one of Merlins favorite things about him, but when he somehow made them bigger and sadder, Merlin could not resist him.

So that's why Merlin was sitting in the Pendragons dining room. Eating an extremely awkward, and quiet dinner; with Arthur, Morgana, and the one and only Uther Pendragon. Know Merlin loved Arthur with his whole heart and he knows Arthur feels the same. Him and Morgana get along great, he loved hanging out with her. But Uther, see Merlin knew that Uther disliked him. He knew that Uther thought less of him, and not because he was a man, no Uther wasn't homophobic, it was the fact that he had nothing to his name. Merlin was a nobody, he only had his mom, who was nurse. He grew up in a small town called Ealdor, so no one in London new the name Emrys.

"Merlin, tell me again what you are studying again?" Uther asked.

Merlins head shot up from his plate, "um, graphic design, sir."

"Uh, I see. "

Merlin shot his head back down to his plate.

"Father, you should see Merlins work, it's incredible. He is really skilled." Arthur said. Merlin looked up at Arthur and smiled, mouthing a thank you.

"Art is always a good hobby." Uther added.

Merlins head shot up, locking eyes with Arthurs. That was it, Merlin couldn't take it anymore.

"Its not a hobby. It's my life work, and it means the world to me. And I know that it's nothing like your million dollar company, but I'm damn good at it. And I know I have nothing to my name, but my mother worked her ass off to support me, to put food on the table, clothes on my back, and put me through school. And I know you dislike me, but I'm not going anywhere. Cause I love Arthur with my whole heart, so you better learn to respect me. Because I'm losing respect for you." Merlin said as he got up from his seat and headed to the front door.

"Well that was interesting." Morgana said.

"The nerve of that man. How dare he speak to me like that. Honestly Arthur I don't see why you put up with him." Uther said annoyed.

"Put up with him? I don't put up with him. I love him. With everything I have. I wouldn't be with him if I had to put up with him. And to tell you the truth everything Merlin said is right. I'm going to marry him one day, so you better learn to respect him." Arthur said as he stood up and headed out.

He found Merlin in the car with a face covered in tears. Walking to the drivers seat he got in. Starting the car up he headed out, driving back to their flat. Ten minutes in Merlin spoke,

"I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about. It's not your fault."

"But it is, I caused a fight. One thing I knew not to do. I know just to keep my head down and I couldn't even do that."

"Merlin, every thing you said was right. You know I don't give shit about status, and I hate that my father does. You had every right to." Arthur said seeing Merlin smile at his words.

"This all happened because of your stupid puppy dog eyes." Merlin said with a smirk.

"I do not have puppy dog eyes, MERlin." Arthur scolded at him.

"Yes, you do. Your eyes go big, and sad. They even tear up a bit", Merlin laughed than his face changed, "it was the reason I came with you tonight."

"I'm sorry."

"Its not your fault."

"But I feel like it is. Can you ever forgive me?" Arthur asked using his best puppy dog eyes.

"See, right there! You look at me like that and I just can't say no."

"So you forgive me?"

"I hate you." Merlin said crossing his arms.

Arthur let out a heart felt laughed and lend over and kissed the top of his head.

"Love you too."

Hey guys hope you liked it. Message me of what you guys want to see. Thanks for all of the support!!! It truly means a lot.


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