12 Days of Christmas: Day 9, Decorating the Tree (Trying to)

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Merlin made Arthur drag the tree inside, while he went to the kitchen to make coffee. 

"You know, help would be very nice." Arthur said with a glare. 

"Yet, it is more fun to watch." Merlin answered back with a smirk. 

Arthur just rolled his eyes, as he dragged the tree further into the house, 

"Arthur please, pick it up. It's getting needles everywhere." Merlin said from where he was curled up on a chair, holding a mug of coffee. Arthur let out a puff of air as he lifted the tree over his shoulder and carrying it the last steps to the holder. Arthur brushed off his jacket and glared at Merlin, "Thanks for the help." He said with a glare. 

"You're very welcome, sweetheart." Merlin said flashing him a smile. 

Arthur rolled his eyes at him, as he sat down. Clasping on the couch and letting his eyes close, that was until he felt something, or rather someone land on his chest. Arthur let out a groan as he opened his eyes, looking up meeting Merlin's sparkling blue eyes.

"Hi." Merlin said with a smile.

Arthur couldn't help but smile back, "Hi."

Merlin traced Arthur's jaw with his finger tips, giving Arthur a big dopey smile "We gotta decorate the tree."

Arthur leaned into his touch wrapping his arms around his waist, "Later, need sleep." his voice was heavy and his words a bit slurred. He pulled Merlin down so he could bury his face in Merlin's dark hair.

"Arthur...come on. We can cuddle and sleep later. But now its time for the tree." Merlin said pushing against Arthur's chest. Only to have Arthur's arms wrap tighter around him, and pull him back down, curling around Merlin.

"Sleep." Arthur mumbled as his breathing evened out and Merlin could tell that Arthur was asleep. Merlin just rolled his eyes as he curled around Arthur, "Five minutes, Arthur."

The five minutes turned into the night, Merlin woke up first to a stiff neck and a knot in his back. Arthur was just waking up and smiled when he saw Merlin. The tree was still bare, but the smile on Arthur's face made up for it.

-The end

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