Maybe...Sort of....Friends?

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Okay, guys this one is for  Goldenwisker

They wanted a continuation of the fic, Through the Years, the part were Arthur and Merlin meet. In that story I made Merlin and Arthur are 5, but that is really young so I'm making them 8 or 9.

"Mum, you can not be serious! You can not work for the Pendragons, Arthur is a Pendragon."

"Merlin, we've been over this. Now grab your coat and let's go."

Merlin gave his mother one last pout, before stomping his feet and going off to get his coat. "I'm not talking to that prat." Merlin mumbled.

"Watch your language, young man." Hunith said as she lead the way out of the house.

It was the most silent car ride of her life. Merlin would always be laughing, talking, or singing along to the radio. All he did was look at the window, with a scowl set on his face. Eyebrows pulled together, and his too long of arms crossed over his chest.

"Merlin, I'm begging you. Please, just try. This is a big thing for us. Can you just try for me?"

Merlin looked up at her, his big blue eyes full of tears, "Arthur is a bully, and I hate him! I hate him! He makes fun of me. Pushes me around, and pulls at my ears. Saying that they are to big for my stupid head. He is a prat." Big, round tears fell down his face that he wiped away angrily.

"Sweetheart, I promise that if he ever picks on you, you come to me and I will go to his father. Even if it gets me in trouble."

"Really?" His eyes filling of hope.

"Of course."

Merlin spent the rest of the ride as him normal self. By the time they pulled up to the Pendragon Estate, he had a smile on his face. When they entered the house through his smile fell when he saw Arthur. Mr.Pendragon greeted them with smiles and handshakes. His daughter Morgana was there too. She was two years older than both of them, but she was happy to see him. Arthur through just glared at him, and Merlin just glared back.

"Morgana, Arthur, why don't you take Merlin outside to play while I show Hunith around."

Arthur just mumbled yes, while Morgana grabbed his hand while a smile and led the way. Outside the house, was a massive backyard. With a huge play set that looked like a castle and a swimming pool.

"Come on Merlin, lets go swing." Morgana said. Merlin just nodded his head and followed.

Merlin liked Morgana. She was nice, like his friend Gwen. Her and Morgana were best friends. Arthur just stood in the background glaring at the two of them.

"Why does he hate me?" Merlin couldn't stop the words from falling out of his mouth.

"Merlin, don't be silly. Arthur does not hate you."

"Yes he does. He calls me names, and pulls my ears. He thinks that everyone likes him, that he is so important. If he didn't hate me, than he would not be a bully." Merlin pointed out.

"Merlin, Arthur is mean to people that he likes. He likes you, trust me, he talks about you all the time."



Merlin looked over at Arthur and smiled a little. Arthur just rolled his eyes, but Merlin could see that his face was just a bit redder than before. So he got up from his swing and walked up to Arthur.

"Do you want to swing?" Merlin asked.

"MERlin, swing is for babies. Like you."

"Morgana is swing and she is older than both of us."

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