12 Days of Christmas; Day 8, Snowman

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There like age 7 in this. 

When Uther answered the door, he was met with a pair of big blue eyes and a blinding smile that belonged to no other than Arthur's best friend, Merlin Emrys. 

"I was wondering if Arthur would like to come play in da snow with me?" Merlin asked with a smile, how could Uther say no to that. 

"I bet Arthur would love that. Come on in and I'll go get him." 

Merlin nodded as he stepped into the house, mindful to only step on the rug, so no snow got on the floor. Seconds later Arthur come racing down the hall, already in his snow gear. 

"Hi, Merls!" Arthur shouted. 

"Arthur inside voice." Uther reminded. 

"Sorry. Can we go know?" Arthur asked with big eyes. 

"Yes, but stay in the yard." Uther said as the seven year olds raced out the door. 

The two giggled as the fell into the fresh white snow. Merlin was already making a snow angel as Arthur tried to bury Merlin under the snow. 

"Stop, Arthur its cold." Merlin said as Arthur dumped snow onto Merlin's face. Arthur just giggled as he stood up and went running off. Merlin chasing after him. 

"Merlin, I have the bestest idea ever." Arthur said proudly. 


"Let's build a snowman, let's make the biggest snowman ever!" Arthur said his eyes filling with joy. Merlin nodded his head and started jumping up and down. 

So the two set to work rolling the snow into a ball and pushing it across the yard together, doing the same to the other two. Together they pushed the balls on top of each other to form an uneven snowman. Arthur went running off, only to come back with rocks and sticks for the body. Together they made his face and arms, standing back Arthur frowned. 

"It's missing something." 

Merlin gave their snowman a look before taking off his scarf and wrapping it around the snowman's neck. 

"How's that?" 

"Merls, you are a genius. Its perfect! All he needs is a name." 

Merlin scrunched his eyebrows together as he thought, "Lets call him Edward. Edward the Cold." Merlin said with a giggle. 

Arthur let out a laugh, "That's a good idea. That's his name Edward the Cold." The two started a fit of giggles for there cleverness. 

"Merlin, where is your scarf?" A voice came in from the house. Merlin and Arthur turned to face Uther. 

"I gave it to the snowman." Merlin said pointing to the snowman. 

"I can see that. How about you two come inside? If you get a cold Merlin, your mother will kill me."  

The boys gave Uther a questionable look, "I'll make hot chocolate." Right as the words left his mouth the boys came racing at him. Soon he had the boys out of there gear and them on the couch snuggled under a blanket. They both chugged their hot chocolate in record times, when Uther came back with a plate of cookies, he found Merlin and Arthur curled around each other and out like lights. 

-The End (I don't know how else to end this) 

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