12 Days of Christmas: Day 2; The Gift

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When Merlin entered Arthur's room he found that the bed was made, curtains opened, and that Arthur was dressed. 

"Did you forget to fire me?" Merlin asked with a smirk. 

"No Merlin, unlike what you like I can actually do things." 

"I can see, do you want me to go fetch you breakfest?" 

"Yes, please do."Arthur said before turning away quickly. 

"A please. Wow I'm just lucky today I guess." Merlin said before leaving. 

When he returned he found a medium sized gift sitting on Arthur's bed, by looking closer he say the his name was written across it. Merlin looked up at Arthur with a raised eyebrow, only to get a shrug in return. Carefully Merlin brought the gift over to Arthur and sat down at the table. Merlin gently pulled back the bow and took the ribbon off, slowly he pulled of the lid and found something inside that made is jaw drop. 

"Arthur, I can't accept this." 

"Yes, you can." Arthur said getting up and walking behind Merlin's chair. Merlin felt Arthur's fingers skim his neck before removing his neckerchief. He replaced it was the fine red silk one that was inside the box. It was soft and cool against Merlin's neck unlike his other ones that left his neck itching.  

"Arthur, there is over 10 silk neckerchiefs in here. They are bare the royal crest, Arthur people will think of me as someone higher than my standing." 

"Let them, you deserve these Merlin. It's my way of saying Merry Christmas. And thank you."

"For what, I haven't done anything?" Merlin said with a laugh. 

"You do everything Merlin. These are a thank you for the amount of times that you saved me. I know that you like I'm oblivious, but I'm not. The poison you drank for me, everytime that I've been shot with an arrow, for the dragon that you went up against and won." 

Merlin's face went pale," You knew about the dragon." 

"Of course I did, and I know about the magic. And I want to say thank you, you chose to live in Camelot even through it is a death wish because you want to protect me." 

Merlin's face broke out in a smile as he tackled Arthur in a hug, burying his face deep into Arthur's neck. Arthur pressing his face into Merlin's raven colored hair and hugged back with just as much force. 

"I owe you everything." Arthur whispered. 

"You being alive is enough." Merlin whispered back. 

Very quietly Arthur whispered, "I think I love you." 

Merlin smiled against his neck, "I think I love you too." 

-The End 

It is short but sweet. Can I count this as a Christmas fic? To late now, I hope you like it. Trust me more christmasy things are to come! thanks for reading, don't be afraid to send me prompts or just to chat! 


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