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Chapter 20


It's been three years since I remet Noah.My feeling have been coming back slowly and then a huge rush came.I miss him.The way he kissed me the way he cared for me everything.He always knew how to make me happy.He kissed me like I was all he wanted.He took care of me like you would a wife. "SHIT!" I woke up screaming.I didn't realize but know I do.I love him.I miss him and I sure as hell need him.Noah came running into my room. "Are you okay?What happened?" He climbed into the bed sitting right next to me.I shook my head and just said "Can you just leave?I need to be alone."I felt tears rolling down my cheeks.Noah couldn't see because it was to dark yet he knew I wasn't okay.He nodded like he always does when he doesn't want to admit or do something but he still does it.He began walking out the door when I realized I made a mistake and darted out of my room.I grabbed his arm and pulled him really close to my face and kissed him.I missed it and soon enough he kissed me back.he picked me up and carried me back to the room and gently placed me on my bed.I slowly pulled his shirt off and I watched every last muscle move as he lifted his hands up.He slowly traced his hand down my chest to the bottom of my overly large shirt.I had to stop him. "Noah.Stop."I pushed my hand down on his and he put his hands down pulling my shirt with it. He looked so confused. "I can't...I mean we ....Im Alex."I couldn't just sleep with him and every feeling rush back to me and for him they only start.He backed up putting his shirt back on shocked,nervous,awkward I don't know how he felt but I could only imagine.Noah soon started to look angry. "Noah.Please.I know I should have told you,but you even I would have been at risk.I was nearly raped killed two men.I let another two go.I don't know why it was stupid.I let one beat me until I could barely breath.I lost you I had nothing to fight for. They threatened me.They said they would come back for me.I screamed because I realized I missed you and that I love you.Please Noah."

"How do I know it's you.I mean you told me she was dead.Even if you are who you say you are you can't just waltz back into my life like it was yesterday we were together.She broke my heart and you or she helped me pick up the pieces .I mean I thought you were fucking dead.How the fuck do I know it's you?"

"Noah it's me I can prove it.You nearly trampled me the first day of school and I stupidly apoligized.You took me to a party and you took care of me while I fucking puked.Our first kiss was the morning after.You drove me to school and we got in a car crash.I thought we were fucking over.I went into the boys bathroom just to talk to you.I was in a coma for a month and you couldn't look at me.You thought it was your fault.You we're not broken then I was.I will be broken for awhile.I have had a hard fucking life and with you here now I feel safe and my pieces are together.I love you Noah and I always will no matter what the fuck happens tonight."I couldn't hold my tears in they just fell. "Noah,I know you.If you need to go out go but come back I just want to make sure you are safe.If you want to leave me-"He cut me off mid sentence. "Your scar.I want to see it."I lifted my hair from my scar and as soon as he saw it he spun to look at the door. "YOU MOTHER FUCKER!YOU KEPT THIS FROM ME.I CANT! I'll be back I just need a minute." Just like that he walked right out.He luckily grew calm at the end and I hoped he wouldn't do anything stupid.I was scared and I couldn't really imagine how he feels.I mean the girl he loved and was heartbroken by is still alive and has been alive for twenty-two years and 7 of them did he know her her.Part of me wished I didn't tell him but I knew I had to.God,I missed him and now I might loose him as a friend to.I began losing track of time I popped a wine bottle open and began on a cigarette.Noah later came home and as he walked in I looked at the wine bottle which was empty and my ash tray which had two burnt out cigarettes. "You know Noah,I have been sitting here worried sick.I get it though.I mean if you don't choose me.I have been in a car crash my father almost killed my friends brother,my friend killed my father and well I was almost raped and ended up killing two men and being chased after.I have a fake identity and I still found you without trying.Even worst I almost had sex with the guy I have loved for seven years when he didn't even know it was me."I began to get off my seat yet I wobbled a little placing a cigarette in between my teeth and reaching for my lighter when Noah grabbed my hand. "Stop Allly!This isn't you." I wasn't even thinking of what I was saying now. "Noah.Im trash!When will you get it I don't deserve you.I have changed.Sometimes when you're not around I feel like I should have let them kill me but I imagined us together again and I fought through it.Im not Ally or Alex anymore.My lives a mess and I'm in love with a guy who didn't know my true identity.I wish I just died."I hurt Noah saying that.The last thing I wanted was him to be hurt again. "Noah I left you once and it was the biggest mistake I have ever made in my life.Noah I missed you like hell and I still do.I won't leave you again as long as I stay Frankie."He looked at me his eyes almost staring into my soul.He was thinking hard and the began to speak. "If I am with Cesca I want her to act like my girl Ally." I smiled at the thought of my new nickname being Cesca.He always gives me a girlie nickname to go along with the boy version of my name. "I can't act like someone i'm not anymore."I began to let tears roll down my face.I was broken.I couldn't be fixed.I wasn't happy like I used to be and now i'm standing waiting for someone else to pick up my pieces. "Noah I love you but I can't change this is me now."I began to run into my room and I layed on my bed just balling when Noah walked in. "Franchesca,I love you too."He said it.HE has never said he loved me.I smile but stayed curled up on my bed. "No, this is why is it so hard.Why does our relationship have to be so much work?"He smiled once I lifted my head. "Marry me?I mean we love eachother we both work just as hard for eachother and I will never give up on you.SO what the hell just marry me?"I was shocked nervous safaris so many feeling just rushed but one thing popped in my head. "Yes!I mean it's soon plus its my last year of college."

"We'll talk tomorrow." I nodded and rested my head on his chest as we both drifted off to sleep.

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