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Chapter 9


Later that Night I was doing homework and I was bored.It was the type of bored were anything other than homework seemed interesting.Suddenly my phone buzzed and it was Noah.I was busy talking to my mom when he called so I ignored it.I finally got my mom to shut up so I could call him back.He quickly answered like he was waiting and in a deep husky voice "Hey"


"What are you doing Alex?"

"Homework.What about you Noah?"I couldn't bare to bring up him calling me girlfriend maybe it just slipped. "Well I am in bed watching TV."I wasn't really sure what conversation to start and there was a long silence.There is something comforting about him being on the phone even if he isn't answering.All of a sudden I hear his low voice "Alex"

"Noah"I said a little nervous.

"I'm sorry."

"For..."I asked in a high pitched voice.

"For what happened to you.I--"Before he could keep going I interrupted.

"Shut up!It isn't your fault it's nobody's okay."

"Alex calm down.I just wanted to say I'm--"I interrupted again.

"If you say you're sorry I a coming over there and slapping you."

"Okay.Okay.Just letting you know I don't have an issue with you coming over though."I laughed making him laugh. "Goodnight!"

"No don't go to bed you have to finish your homework."

"Well you're distracting me."I didn't need to see him to tell he had a smile from one ear to another.

"well.I wonder how much it would distract my girlfriend if I came over there?"I couldn't process what he said one word was repeating in my head"girlfriend".I couldn't think of what to say so I let my mind speak and it blurted out "Then come over and we can see."

"Alex are you being serious because I will come."

"You will just have to use the ladder to come up to my room."

"I'm coming and now you can't stop me."I giggled a little.

"Don't have your phone on in the car I don't want you getting hurt."

"Okay bye."

"Bye."I hung up and change out of my gross pyjamas cuz I didn't want him to see me all gross.By the time he was there I had a tank top and sweats on and my hair was in two french braids.I opened my window and locked my door.As soon as he got through my window he grabbed my waist.I looked down and smiled as he pulled me closer to him.I look back up at him and say "Hi."He just looks at me with a blank face.After what felt like forever he said "Kiss me?"I pulled were the buttons were on his jacket. "Why would I want to kiss you?"He gave me a look and with no warning his lips smashed onto mine.I kissed him back of course.I felt his hands go from my hips down.I had my arms around his neck and I was on my tippy toes.He pulled himself off of me and grabbed my phone from my hand cuz I never put it down. "Give it back Noah."

"What I can't have your phone what are you gonna do."I went to reach for my phone but he wiped it away.I put my hands on his chest and shoved him onto my bed.His body was so muscular I felt it right through his shirt. "Give it back."

"No"I climbed on top of him one leg on each side of his chest.I leaned down just so our noses were touching and nicely said "Pretty please Noah."

"Nope sorry Alex."I pulled my head further down so there was basically no space between us.He quietly said "what don't you want me to see."I wanted to see how much he liked me and this was his test.I pulled away and I saw his face get sad real quick.He was nervous. He really likes me.The way he responded. He was scared and I caused that "Noah there are text between me and my friends about you.I dont want you to see them please give me my phone back."He looked up at me. "You tell your friends about me.Here let's make a deal you kiss me and then you can get your phone back,if you don't kiss me I get to look at the messages."I slowly lowered my head to his just like before.Just more meaningful.He had his hands over his head laying across my bed.I grabbed his collar and slowly pulled his head to mine.I moved my arm to the back of his neck causing him to move his arms around my body his head fell back down to the bed as mine fell along with it except my lips went right onto his.He had his hands around my body.I had a hand on his thigh and the other was trapped behind his neck but I didn't care I was lost in the kiss the rest of my thoughts gone.The only person able to end the kiss was me.Except for when he picked his head up refusing to break the kiss.I wrapped my legs around his body as he stood up and threw me on the bed and he came back over the top of me.He pulled his hand up to my chest the other on my face.I threw my arms around his body trying to pull him further down closer to my body.I had my hand right on his chest rubbing it up and down feeling his abs.He pulled my sweats of gently looking at me to make sure I wanted to.Not stopping him I grabbed his hand that he had on my thigh and pulled him back over me.I felt so safe in his arms.He looked me in the eyes and lowered his mouth to my ear and softly said "Are you sure you want to do this?"He sat there with his head in my neck waiting for me to answer. "Yes.Im not a virgin.I mean like this summer I got mad at my mom and smoked a lot and drank too much and basically a guy took advantage of me." I responded just as soft as he was. "You're okay now right?" I just nodded.He slowly started kissing my neck down to my collarbone.I removed my tank top.He pulled his head up so he could look at me entirely. His face showed all his emotions and god did I feel good I couldnt help smiling and he was taking forever so I pulled his shirt off really quickly.His body was perfect.He kissed me so soft.It wasn't like any other time it was more passionate more meaningful.I unbuckled his belt and pulled it through tossing it on the ground.Still kissing I unbuttoned his pants and started taking them off.I had to sit up to get them to his knees.He finished taking them off and he was so dam hot I didnt think I would be ready for him. He smiled and went right back on top of me gently setting my head down on the pillow.He pulled my underwear down as I unclasped my bra.He slowly and very cautiously came down on top of me and I couldn't help but moan.I dug my head into his neck will he kissed my collarbone.Soon after me he let out a moan and I could tell he was trying to be quiet.He had his hands all over me and mine were around his neck or on his chest.He slowly came off of me and we laid side by side not saying a word.We kept playing with our hands intertwining them.We both looked at each other and fell asleep soon after.

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