Pancakes and Advil

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Chapter 21

Pancakes and Advil

 I slowly opened my eyes and the sun was shining right into my face and I had a pounding headache.I still am hearing Noah's question.It's the four words replaying non-stop in my head.I never thought this would happen.I mean I lied to him for three years and he still loves me.I got out of my bed brushed my teeth and my hair wondering where Noah was.When I walked into the kitchen all I could smell was bacon and pancakes.When I looked at the counter I saw pancakes and bacon with advil on the side.As I walked further I saw Noah finishing his dish. "Hey Cesca."I smiled and just sat down and started eating.We sat in silence as we were eating and finally I reached my last pancake and I bit into it. "Ouch!"I pulled out a diamond ring which cut the inside of my mouth. "Noah,is there anything you want to ask?"I got up and rinsed off the ring so it didn't have the small of pancakes.I held it up as I asked if he was going to ask me something. "Oh yeah I forgot about that.Well if you insist,I love you and I want to spend every waking moment with you.Youre gorgeous,smart,caring,brave yet sensitive and that's what I love about you. So will You marry me?" As he began to finish I heard a knock on the door. "You're supposed to be on one knee,I guess I'll marry you."I said smiling like the only thing I want to do is marry him.He slipped the ring onto my finger and I kissed him. Then suddenly another knock at the door. "Ill grab it stay here. I opened the door and it was sam.I missed her almost as much as I missed Noah. "SAM!"

"FRANKIE!" I reached my hands out to hug her and that when she saw the ring. "Who's the lucky man?" Just as she said that Noah walked behind me. "I guess I am.Hi Sam."Sam was so confused. "He knows."

"Jesus!You two are inseparable.There is nothing.You thought she was dead and you still found each other!Love you two text me when you're not busy.I wanna catch up.Sam slowly walked away closing the door.I was left with my fiance.Noah slowly wrapped his hand around my waist and spun me around. "Can we skip the wedding and go straight to honeymoon mode?" I smiled and slipped from his grip and went to my room.Noah came in right after me and climbed over me and began kissing my neck.he gave me a hickey like he always used to do so I did the same.He began to strip me of my clothes as I did the same.

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