Well should I...

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Chapter 3

Well should I...

Since the other day he has always been around.Never sick,never to close but always there like he knew he shouldn't have pulled me to a side of the building.He hasn't spoke much to me since monday,but I do catch him looking at me every now and then.He did talk to me today and it was about a party.He said he would text me but he couldn't he didn't have my number.I knew if he wanted to he would find it and text me.I couldn't stop looking at my phone hoping a number I didn't know would pop up but nothing.It was finally the end of the day I was so happy because now I could just go home and sleep and not think about the party he is at.Before I got in my mom's car I checked my phone one last time.His number it had to be so I opened my phone and there it said "Party @ 34 Wilson drive be ready by 8:30 i'll pick you up.Bring a friend if you want too.Oh and what's your address."I was so happy I had got a text from this hot senior.I ran inside the school looking for Sam.I grabbed her and told her we were going to a party and she's coming with me.Before anything sam asked "by who?" I thought a little I don't know his name.I told her it was some senior and he would drive us.I responded to him and told him 19 walden ave and I'm bringing my friend Sam."BZZ BZZ" my phone went off.I picked it up he said "okay but I better be able to get you away from her tonight."I smiled at my phone and ruining the moment Sam walks in and starts asking questions. "who is he?Is he hot?Are you going to get with him?"i turned around and said "Sam shut up I don't know we'll see I don't even know his goddamn name."She listened and threw on her outfit.I pulled my high waisted jeans up which went up to my belly button.I curled my long brown hair that fell to the tip of my jeans when the doorbell rang.I threw a robe around myself forgetting to tie it.Yelling to Sam I'm gonna beat you to the door.I whipped open the door not looking I turn to Sam and yell "HAHA I BEAT YOU"and then turned to the door seeing him standing there my robe not fully closed so he can see my bra.He looked at me with almost dreamy eyes and said "uhhhhhh is your mom home I wanted her to meet me before I took the two of you."he non stop was looking at my chest to my face.I slowly closed the robe and yelled for my mom.My mom walked in and said and who might you be.He responded " I am Noah Hail.Im a senior I'll drive the two of them there and home or wherever they will be staying.My mom was pleased that he came to the door.I turned looked at both of them and blurted out " I am going to finish getting ready."He told me not to take to long.I walked up the stairs and quickly threw my crop top on and let my hair fall from the pony tail I had just put it in and finished my makeup.I came back down and he looked at me and said "C'mon we are gonna be late.You do not want to be late for your first party.I looked at him with an insane look and just walked out the door grabbing Sam.He walked out behind us laughing. "what are you laughing at"

"Well you. You sprinted down your stairs racing your friend pretty much half naked."

"Well are you complaining?"

"No, no not at all you are stunning.It's just what if i was the pizza man or something.I giggled a little opening his car door.

"Well it would have been the pizza mans lucky night"with a smirk on my face.The car ride was pretty silent.No body was really talking I told Noah to pick my other friend up and he looked at me like I was insane.I said it was so Sam had a friend when I was with him.He smiled and said tell me where to go.

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