Day after

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Chapter 10

The day after

I woke up to my mom banging on the door telling me I am late for school.I grabbed my blanket and wrapped it around myself and I said "I'll be down in a minute."I turned and saw Noah in my bed completely asleep.I whacked him in the head and said ""You're driving me to school get up."He woke up and said "Rude way to wake your boyfriend up huh.I dont have clothes."

"Yes it was rude.Im sure we have some type of clothing for you."I quickly got dressed then ran into my brothers room grabbing black jeans and a blue longsleeve shirt.I tossed it at his head.

"Watch it Alex."

"What are you gonna do"He quickly got up and grabbed my waist.He had put his underwear back on thankfully or else I wouldn't have been able to resist a fee more minutes.He spun me around and kissed me.

"Hey.Get dressed.Climb out the window and I'll meet you outside."

"Yes mam.Do I have permission to kiss you in the privacy of my car"

"Maybe now go!"I smiled.He finally got out of my room and I started doing my makeup.I realized my hair looked terrible so I tossed it in a cute ponytail at the top of my head.I ran downstairs and kissed my mom saying "I love you!"I grabbed an apple and pretty much darted out the door.Noah was outside waiting like I told him to.I tossed him the apple and said "Thanks for the ride"

"Don't you need to eat breakfast?"I grabbed the apple out of his hand and took a bite.


"You need more then that have it."

"Noah I don't eat breakfast I am always in a rush."

"Maybe that's why you so skinny."I giggled and then said "aren't you gonna start driving?"

"Not until I get a kiss."I kissed him and quickly pulled away because I knew if I didn't we would be in front of my house for another hour.

"Go or ill be late asswhole."I blurted out quickly and then realized I called him an asswhole.

"Hey!That was rude."

"Sorry but seriously go or i'm driving."He started driving and we stopped talking until we got to school.I didn't remember until now the last time I was in his car I almost died.I got really worried for some reason and then Noah grabbed my hand and I felt safe again.We walked inside and I felt awesome.I got through my first couple classes really happy thinking about Noah.Finally it was lunch and he told me to sit with him so I did.He had his hand on my thigh the entire time moving it up and down.I wanted to so badly grab him and kiss him but I couldn't we were in school.Every Time his friends asked me something I stuttered a little cuz he would move his hand up closer.I kept looking at him but he refused to look at me.Finally the bell rang.I went to get up and he grabbed my wrist softly.He pulled me into some gross room. "Hey."

"What the fuck Noah? Where are we?"

"God calm down it's a janitor's closet they never use I just wanted to talk to you."

"Noah I hate you."

"You don't mean that cuz if you did you wouldn't let me touch you like--"I stopped him "Don't you dare finish that sentence."

"Do you regret it or something"I started blushing and looked at him like he was out of control.

"No I don't regret it you dunce I just need to go to class."

"Your mean,and good."I walked out of wherever he took me and went to class smiling.It came to the end of the day I wasn't sure if Noah was gonna drive me home or not.He caught up to me and grabbed my books. "I don't want you getting hurt again."I was still on my crutches so I was having trouble holding my books. "thank you."

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